3 Extra Items NOT In Your Home Right
Now That You Must Have To Stop a Deadly Home invasion
A former CIA Officer reveals why these 3 items
are crucial and how he uses them to make his
own home virtually intruder-proof.
It's May 5, 2013… 

A family in Dallas, Texas is asleep in their home. 

At midnight, multiple masked intruders storm the home and they're met by the homeowner's son. 

The son gets into a violent struggle with the intruders and is beaten with a rifle. A local newspaper reported he, "was beaten so badly he's unrecognizable." 

Hearing their son fight for his life, the homeowner and his wife rush out of their bedroom. 

Immediately, the wife is brutally attacked. 

The husband tries to intervene but he's shot in the chest and killed. 

The intruders flee, leaving the husband dead and the wife and son barely able to move. 

Here are the son's heartbreaking words after watching his father get murdered in front of him… 
                       "Right now, I'm suffering the loss of my dad… I lost my heart."
I pray this never happens to you. 

But the fact is, according to the U.S. Department of Justice, 1 out of every 5 homes will be the victim of a break-in or home invasion. 

And get this: 38% of violent assaults and 60% of rapes occur during a home invasion. 

But, I didn't write you today to give you a bunch of statistics. 

My name is Jason Hanson. 

I'm a former CIA Officer. I'm also the New York Times bestselling author of Spy Secrets That Can Save Your Life and the author of The Covert Guide to Concealed Carry.  

The reason I created this presentation is so you or a loved one NEVER becomes the victim of a horrific home invasion. 

After all, as a husband and father, I know I would never forgive myself if criminals burst into my home and assaulted my wife and kids because I didn't know how to stop them. 
That's why you must know the 3 critical items (that I can almost guarantee you DO NOT have) that will help keep your family from suffering a home invasion.
Keep in mind… 

What I'm about to share with you has nothing to do with buying a bulletproof door or spending $150,000 on a safe room. 

Sure, that's great for millionaires and billionaires… 

But what I'm talking about are simple and inexpensive items that ordinary Americans can use to protect their homes… And what I personally use in my own home. 

Here's what I mean… 
Where 70% of invasions occur
The first item I want to share with you could have prevented the Dallas home invasion I just mentioned, and that father might still be alive today.

You see, over 70% of home invasions occur through a doorway, whether it’s the front door or back.

But, for the vast majority of Americans, the only line defense on their doors is a deadbolt.

Now, don’t get me wrong, all your entry doors should have a deadbolt…

But the thing is, the typical exterior door jam is made of wood and is about ¾ of an inch thick.

In other words, it’s easily kicked in by intruders and this happens every single day.  

For instance, according to a local news station in Phoenix, AZ…
"Enrique Montes, 59, was shot to death with a sawed-off shotgun about 12:30 a.m… Several armed suspects forced entry into the home by kicking a door.”
My point is, a deadbolt is easily defeated and won’t save you from a home invasion… Even if you use three-inch screws and reinforce the strike plate.

So if your deadbolt won’t protect you, what should you do?

Well, most people aren’t aware there’s a simple device that prevents intruders from busting through your door.  

You’ve probably never heard of it because I’ve never seen it mentioned on TV… I’ve also never heard another security professional talk about it.

This device has nothing to do with any type of alarm system and it doesn’t require you to alter your current door or buy a new one.

In fact, the device is only 10.5 inches long and weighs less than two pounds.

Best of all, it doesn’t cost a fortune.

For less than $45 you can almost guarantee an intruder won’t be able to kick their way into your home.

I personally use this device in my own home and here’s what a quick Internet search revealed about what other’s say about it…  
“It's amazing how much this seems to secure the door. I bought one to try out but will be getting for all of my exterior doors.”

“If you live in a place with doors, it is inconceivable that this product is not a part of your family. Even if you have a security system. This is the way to go.”

“Please install this product at your most vulnerable door. Please protect your family and don't be stupid. This is the easiest, strongest, protection you can install yourself.”
In a minute, I’ll show you exactly how to get this device for your own home.

And remember, I didn’t invent it and I don’t manufacture it. I simply believe it’s a must have for every American who wants to prevent a deadly home invasion.

And that brings me to the second critical item that almost NO American has in their home to protect themselves.

It’s even less expensive than the one I just mentioned…
Why intruders are terrified 
of this device
If you get the device above, a home intruder should never be able to invade your home through a doorway.

And while that’s obviously great news…

Many people don’t know that 23% of home invasions occur through a first floor window.

For instance, in Ann Arbor Michigan, a local news outlet reported the following…
“Ann Arbor police said three home invasions, two on the same block, were reported Thursday, with the intruders gaining access through windows at each home."
To tell you the truth, because intruders are so dangerous and can enter through doors and windows I’m a firm believer in having a gun in my home for protection.  

I’ll talk about gun choices in a minute…

But I realize not everyone owns a gun or maybe you have children that stay home alone and aren’t old enough to use a gun.  

And that’s why this second device is so critical…

If, heaven forbid, you hear glass break and an intruder in your home, there’s a small bottle that could save your life.

I’m not talking about a bottle of pepper spray or bear spray or any other type of spray for that matter.

The bottle I have in my own home, sitting on my desk right now, is only 8 oz, almost the size of a soda can.

Criminals who’ve been interviewed in prison have admitted they’re terrified of this bottle.

In fact, here’s what a Florida man who was sentenced to 15 years in prison for home burglaries said…
 “It’s the best thing you could ever buy for crime prevention and safety… Burglars, Peeping Toms, prowlers, trespassers, or anything living… is going to be hot-footing it as fast as they can.”
This bottle costs less than $22 and can be legally purchased at major retail stores around the country (that’s how I got mine.)

I’ll show you where to get this bottle and exactly how to deploy it in a moment.  

But before I forget, let me share with you the third device that is critical to your family’s safety and survival when it comes to defending your home.

I can pretty much guarantee you’ve NEVER considered this…
"Flat-out amazing"
65% of home invasions occur during the day and 35% occur at night.

The thing is, professional burglars are the ones who break into your home during the day. They’re hoping you’re not there and they just want jewelry, cash, and electronics.

In other words, they don’t want to harm you.

But the criminals who invade your home at night are the ruthless ones.

They have no respect for human life and could care less that you’re home. In fact, a lot of times they want you to be home so they can torture you into telling them where you keep your cash and other valuables.

This is exactly what happened to the Petit family in Connecticut when two criminals invaded their home murdering the mother and two young daughters. 

As CNN reported… 
“The two men entered the Petit home, beat and tied up William Petit… They then raped and strangled Hawke-Petit, 48, and molested 11-year-old Michaela before tying her and 17-year-old Hayley to their beds and setting the house afire.”
My point is, somebody who invades your home at night is pure evil, which is what makes this third item so crucial to your family’s safety. 

You see, every night before I go to bed I make sure this small item is on my nightstand. 

It’s on my nightstand along with my gun, flashlight and cell phone. 

It’s a little smaller than the size of a lemon and made of aircraft grade aluminum. 

And here’s why it’s so important… 

Let’s say an intruder has broken into your home. 

The intruder is rushing up the stairs to attack your family. You’re at the top of the stairs and if the intruder makes it past you, your family is dead.  

This small device gives you an enormous advantage in being able to stop an intruder in their tracks so they never make it up the stairs. 

And it’s not just on the stairs you can use this. 

If you’re ever in your home and come face to face with a potential killer… This lemon-size device will help deter them so they never end up touching you or your family. 

Obviously, none of us ever wants to come face to face with a killer, but this small device is a critical last line of defense if we ever do. 

In fact, hear are some reviews from Amazon, which, in my opinion, is the best place to get this device. (It’s where I got mine.) 
“Awesome. Awesome. Gives me chills. Really though, this thing is great.”

“Flat-out amazing” 

“I couldn't be happier. Its small, works flawlessly…”

“This product is amazing… massive amount of shock and awe factor.”
The bottom line is, you shouldn’t sleep another night without this device… Or the other two I just mentioned. 

The good news is, you don’t have to. 

Here’s why…
Impenetrable Home Defense
Over the past several years, I've done a monumental amount of work in the field of home protection.

I've personally trained thousands of Americans on how to better protect their homes and families…

And I've been asked to write in-depth home defense articles for Combat Handguns Magazine, Personal and Home Defense Magazine and even the Beretta firearms company.

And I've come to realize there's a ton of misinformation out there on what you need to know to protect your family. 

That's why I took the incredible security information I gained from the Agency…

Along with the knowledge gained from working with thousands of Americans…

And I developed a unique home defense training to make sure you never become the victim of a home invasion. 

I call this training Impenetrable Home Defense.

Not only does this training include the three devices I just mentioned, but also everything you MUST know to protect and defend your family.  

In other words, Impenetrable Home Defense covers the secrets, strategies, and gear that no American should be without. Including…
  • How to choose the right gun for home defense. (I reveal whether you should use a handgun, shotgun, or rifle… Including the makes and models of the guns I use.)
  • How to design a simple home defense plan that everyone in your family can follow. (For the first time, I share with you the exact home defense plan I created for my own family.)
  • The #1 way to ensure you never become the victim of a home invasion in the first place. (This takes less than 10 minutes to do but is the smartest way to prevent an attack.)
  • The single best ammunition for home defense and the ammunition I use in my own gun.
  • The one thing you should do to the exterior of your home to keep criminals from ever wanting to come inside. (This costs less than $20.)
  • The storage device I use to ensure that nobody can gain access to my gun but me. This storage device can be opened in about two seconds and is what I use for my home defense guns.  
  • The $15 device that will immediately alert you if someone tries to enter your home.
  • The secret of defeating multiple home intruders. (The fact is, criminals often work together, which is why this technique is so invaluable.)
  • How to make an inexpensive bulletproof safe room in your home.
  • The single most important medical item to have in your home during a crisis.
  • How to safely clear your home when you think there's an intruder (You'll get step-by-step instructions on how to properly do this.)
And much, much more…

The truth is, there's no doubt in my mind that the tips, secrets and strategies covered in Impenetrable Home Defense could save your life.

But also… They'll empower you… Give you confidence… And you'll sleep better at night knowing your family is protected.

If that wasn't enough, here are a few other things I cover in Impenetrable Home Defense
  • Whether it's a good idea to give a verbal warning when you think there's an intruder in your home.
  • The pros and cons of using a weapon mounted light versus a handheld light for home defense. (I show you the type of flashlight I prefer and the tactics of using it.)
  • A critical mistake to avoid if you ever have to shoot an intruder in self-defense.
  • The first thing you should do when you hear a knock at your door to prevent a home invasion.
  • How to pie a corner and move up and down the stairs while clearing your home with a gun.
  • A simple and inexpensive alarm that will tell you if anyone is approaching your home.
  • How to save a small fortune when buying your first home defense gun. (This secret could save you hundreds and even thousands of dollars.)
  • The pros and cons of using a semi-automatic versus a revolver for home defense.
  • The best ammo caliber for home defense. (And the caliber you absolutely never want to use.)
  • The 6 items you must have in your safe room and how to properly use each one.
  • Whether or not body armor should be a part of your home defense plan.
  • The critical thing you should immediately do with your driver's license.
And many more home defense secrets…
Counter-Surveillance Secrets
For instance, on January 13, 2013, a deadly home invasion occurred in San Bernardino, CA.

A lone intruder broke into the home of William and Lorna Gable.

The intruder brutally attacked the couple and as a local newspaper reported… 
William Gable survived the attack, but his wife died Feb. 15 from injuries she received in the crime. The thief stole a large amount of cash and a pistol from the home before fleeing.
Research into this attack shows the couple was likely targeted.

It’s important to remember that home invasions aren’t always random crimes. Often, criminals target a family and the home has been surveilled for quite some time before the invasion.

That’s why Impenetrable Home Defense covers counter-surveillance secrets usually reserved for intelligence officers and elite military personnel.

For example, you’ll learn a simple trick to determine if anyone is following you home in your vehicle. This takes less than 5 seconds but is unknown to 99% of Americans.

If you happen to be walking, you’ll discover an easy move, which instantly tells you if someone is trailing you with bad intentions.

I’ll also share with you exactly what to do if you ever discover you’re being followed home. (The way you handle this situation is critical.)

And because nothing is more important in life than the safety and protection of your family, Impenetrable Home Defense also covers… 
  • The #1 weapon to have in your home if you don’t own a gun 
  • Why you should absolutely never use pepper spray as part of your home defense plan.
  • How to clear your home with a rifle and my #1 rifle choice.
  • A secret advanced home defense strategy that not 1 in 1,000 Americans is aware of. (It’s inexpensive and strengthens your most vulnerable areas.) 
  • A vital device to keep in your bedroom in case there’s ever a fire in your home. (It only weighs a few ounces and comes in a package the size of a Ziploc sandwich bag.)
  • Why you must see the “shotgun pattern” test if you’re thinking of using a shotgun for home defense.
  • What you must know about using a laser on your home defense gun. 
  • The critical mistake people make when using a flashlight to search for an intruder and how to easily avoid it.
  • A dead giveaway that reveals if the “salesman” knocking on your front door is actually an intruder.
The bottom line is, everything you need to know about protecting your family from a violent home invasion is covered in Impenetrable Home Defense.

But, I realize you may be wondering if Impenetrable Home Defense is right for you.

Well, only you can answer that question.

But I can tell you with 100% certainty that I believe Impenetrable Home Defense is the best way to keep your family safe.

And that’s the reason I developed this training...

Because every American should be able to sleep peacefully and safely in their own homes… because they know how to properly protect themselves.

So, if you think this is right for you, let me show you how to get access to Impenetrable Home Defense right now…

How to instantly access these
home defense secrets
As I just mentioned, I believe no American can afford to be without the information shared in Impenetrable Home Defense.

That's why I developed this training so you can access it as quickly as possible… At the lowest price possible.

You see, to get this training in person at one of my courses, it would you cost $2,500.

I realize that's a lot of money… So I recently did something unique.

In short, I hired a professional film crew and spent thousands of dollars of my own money filming Impenetrable Home Defense.

It was filmed in High Definition and covers every single item I've described in this presentation.

For instance, I show you how to clear a home including hallways, stairways and doors…

I show you the 3 critical devices you can't be without (including how to easily use them)…

You'll see all of my guns laid out on the kitchen table and I discuss which one is best for home defense…

You'll watch me run through my family's home defense plan and see the exact set up I have on my nightstand with my gun and other gear…

Plus a whole lot more.  

Like I said, this home defense training covers EVERYTHING I've mentioned in this presentation so far.

And, in addition to instant online access to everything covered in Impenetrable Home Defense… After I filmed this training I decided to add 3 free gifts that I believe will keep you even safer.  

3 Lifesaving Gifts
Lifesaving Gift #1: Free Survivor Interview. I recently interviewed a fellow named Dennis Ryland who lives in Texas. A few years ago, Dennis was the victim of a home invasion. In fact, he got in a shootout with the intruder, who was armed with a .357.

In this incredible interview, Dennis shares how the intruder entered his home… How he kept himself from getting shot… And the huge mistake that led to the home invasion in the first place. This interview isn’t for sale and cannot be accessed anywhere else.

Lifesaving Gift #2: Free 106-Point Home Defense Checklist. This checklist is usually reserved for clients who pay me a significant amount of money for a home security analysis. As one client says…

          “Jason provided expert advice on emergency preparedness, including the need to have an actionable plan, and to purchase essential supplies and tools to ensure my family would be safe and survive a disaster. He spent most of the time conducting a thorough security audit/survey of the exterior and interior of my home, using a very detailed, structured process.

          He identified the 'gaps' in my home security posture and clearly explained his security recommendations to ensure I implemented a “layered defense” approach. I believe the benefit I received from his expertise was worth much more than the consultation fee and will greatly increase the security situation for my family. Well done!” ~ Greg Kuper, Ashburn, VA

Lifesaving Gift #3: Free Copy of The Covert Guide to Concealed Carry. 

If you're not familiar with the firearms book I wrote, just look at some of the reviews from Amazon…
5.0 out of 5 stars great book
By Gary A. Woodward
"Great book. I highly suggest you read this if you are a prospective or actual gun owner. Worth the price just in layperson's legal issues."
4.0 out of 5 stars Great info 
By rsflea  
"Learned many ideas. The where, what why, & how of keeping the bad guys at bay. Wife reading it now. I would recommend this to anyone wanting to increase their knowledge of carrying concealed." 
5.0 out of 5 stars Awesome Book!!!
By SamiK 
"I seriously could not put this book down and with kids that's saying something. Reading this book gave me a really good sense of how and why to conceal carry. Not only does he talk about concealed carry but he also gives you different techniques on how to hold a gun and different stances you can take."  
Your investment in your 
family's safety
By now, you’re probably wondering how much Impenetrable Home Defense costs?

Well, that’s the best part…

As I just mentioned, when I teach this Home Defense training in a group it’s $2,500 per person.

But, because I want as many Americans as possible to have access to Impenetrable Home Defense… It doesn’t cost thousands of dollars.  

Normally, the investment for Impenetrable Home Defense is $497.

Quite frankly, I believe that’s an incredible bargain for this Home Defense training.

And it’s not just me saying this…

Here’s what a few folks said who’ve paid a small fortune for my training…
“When it comes to protecting your family, you don't think twice, you do it. With Jason's class, it gave me the confidence & knowledge that I need about owning a firearm in my own home. Thanks Jason... keep up the good work!” 

~ John Peterson, Springfield, IL
“I always thought I knew the laws regarding defending your home, boy was I wrong. Jason's class teaches you everything you need to know to protect yourself and your family, and not get into any trouble doing so. Thanks Jason!”
~Julie Jensen, Manassas Park, VA
“Jason covers a vast range of topics from choosing the right gun for home defense, ammunition and accessories (holsters, etc.) to how to develop a home defense plan to best protect your family… Do yourself a favor and sign up... you will be glad you did.” 

~Jake Hudson, Arlington, VA

Here’s the good news…

Because home invasions are on the rise and are all over the news lately, it's never been more important to have access to this training. 

This is why, right now, you can get Impenetrable Home Defense for over 75% OFF what others pay.

In other words, it’s just $27 today... the lowest price I have ever offered and the bargain of the century, if you ask me. 

Here’s even better news… 

You Risk Nothing With My 60 days
100% Money Back Guarantee
The truth is, I take my reputation and this home defense training very seriously.

Because of this, Impenetrable Home Defense comes with a 60-day, 100% money back guarantee.

If for any reason, you're not completely satisfied with Impenetrable Home Defense, just let me know and you'll receive a prompt and courteous full refund. 

So here's the decision you need to make right now

You can either miss out on this home defense training that could save your life… 

Or you can take advantage of this risk-free opportunity and get immediate access to Impenetrable Home Defense.

The truth of the matter is, if somebody tries to kick down your front door one day, you'll wish you could get access to this training at 1,000 times the current price. 

Don't wait a minute longer, your life is too valuable.  

Click on the green button below now. 
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