● The #1 reason why sleeper cells are the “go-to” strategy intelligence operatives use to even the playing field against an oppressive and powerful government. This reason alone is why I’m trying to get this book in the hands of as many God-fearing Patriots as possible. (page 2)
● 5 techniques used by the most elite military forces and spies that you can employ to safeguard the secrecy and security of a Sleeper Cell. This could be the most important lesson you ever learn even if you never start your own cell. (page 21)
● The coveted technique you can use that gets people spilling their guts to you. This information gathering technique is so powerful that only a well-trained spy would be able to detect it. (page 18)
● Learn how to create a “mouthpiece” for your cause without exposing yourself or other members of your sleeper cell. I reveal how Hollywood uses this strategy for diabolical purposes, but you can use it for good. (page 9)
● The ability to spot, train and deploy “cut-outs” can create a powerful multiplier effect of Patriots. This is the perfect approach to people who hold the same views as you and I, but have no skills needed by the cell. (page 15)
● Why the need for ethically run sleeper cells is more important today than at any other point in our nation’s history. And why this “one thing” can mean the difference between worthless protesting and freedom-preserving action. (page 17)
● Think sleeper cells are a sin against your religious virtues? Think again! Discover the Founding Fathers secret to establishing a freedom foothold that still aligns with the Judeo-Christian values this country was founded on. (page 3)
● How to insulate a cell from outside infiltrators who mean to uncover your identity and discredit you. This lesson was paid for in blood by one of the bravest men to ever resist a runaway government. (page 4)
● Know the 3 universal qualities discovered by our Founding Fathers that someone must possess before they join your moral cause. Ignore this advice at your own risk. (page 7)
● A strategy to effectively deploy sleeper cell powers against immoral government intrusion on your freedoms. This step-by-step scenario lays out how to wake the sleeping giant and bring public awareness to hidden government agendas using an actual example affecting American citizens today. (page 9)
● What the ancient Christian symbol of the fish can teach you about covert signals. And when to use them! (page 9)
● The quickest and easiest way to take a sleeper cell from concept to creation. This newfound knowledge of the “recruit the recruiter” approach all but guarantees you’ll succeed. (page 14)
● The simple trick that spies use during conversation to keep from having their cover blown. These 3 phrases will keep you out of hot water and flying safely under everyone’s radar. (page 19)
● How to read this “one” body part to discover someone's true intentions. Hint: it’s not their eyes. (page 19)
● How to spot the unhinged zealots and infiltrators. One sign you have trouble on your hands is if they are too supportive of your cause. (page 20)
● How to use “thought baiting” to provoke someone without them even noticing to determine if they’d be a good recruit. This will give you the chance to measure their views, goals, objectives and values against yours. (page 18)
● The 3 requirements a covert meeting site must meet to ensure the safety of your cell’s identity. Plus, a few other recommendations based on your cell’s needs. (page 20)
● How to use this one skill to flush out someone who’s following you. It’s so easy to practice that even a rank beginner can master this technique in their everyday life. (page 25)
● Put an end to intrusion, monitoring, and tampering. Discover the different ways people try to infiltrate your area. (This is perfect for home defense too.) (page 22)
● Discover a simple method to create your own tamper detection advice. Spies use this in the field with incredible accuracy. (page 22)
● All highly trained spies can walk into a room and mentally record everyone’s height, weight, hair color and clothes - right? Wrong! Learn to focus on Relevant Observations otherwise you’ll clutter your mind with useless info. (page 24)
● What cell members need to do in order to protect your secret meetings. Use the “shopping list” method to fool even the nosiest of gossipers. (page 29)