Former CIA Officer And Security Specialist Reveals…
Why You SHOULDN’T Learn A Martial Art For Self-Defense
Learn These Self-Defense Kill Strikes Instead!
If you’re thinking about learning a martial art for self-defense…

Consider this:

Government agents have trainees spend a handful of weeks at most on CQC (Close Quarters Combat) out of their 1+ year training period…

Which is a tiny fraction of all the other survival skills they learn.

Why should you spend any more time than that?

The fact is, if you want to become as deadly as possible within the shortest amount of time…

You don't want to spend years learning a martial art like BJJ (Brazilian Jiu Jitsu) or Krav Maga.

Sure, it looks good when professionals or MMA fighters do it…

But the reality is that they’ve spent YEARS honing their skills.

Not to mention, they are competing in a sport — they are not doing it for survival.

So, unless you’re in it for the lifestyle…

Spending years learning a martial art simply isn’t practical for your average person.

And more often than not, it ends up being a waste of time.

At the same time, you don’t want to be a sitting duck in a scenario where you or your loved ones get jumped.

Being unable to defend yourself unarmed is the quickest way to become a victim.

After all, these are the kinds of headlines I see in the news all the time:

“Elderly Woman With Granddaughter Robbed”

“Senior injured in brazen daylight attack in Courtenay”

“Man mugged and abused elderly shopper for a can of Carling”

So, if some punk or mugger threatens the safety of you or your family - and there are no weapons nearby…

It’s no use knowing how to do some fancy BJJ grappling skill.

Most likely, that probably has you failing and looking stupid (not to mention, making you vulnerable to the aggressor).

No, what you need is a handful of simple, easy-to-execute Self-Defense Kill Strikes (S.K.S).

These Self-Defense Kill Strikes are what I’m here to show you today.

These moves are so effective, they’re taught to Air Marshals, Israeli Special Forces, and more.

Remember, government operatives don’t have time to spend years learning effective unarmed combat…

Because they are taught techniques that are designed to either maim or kill.

And that’s the principle the S.K.S. system follows…

But of course, for last-resort, self-defense purposes.

Best of all, you can learn this in an afternoon because there are only 8 moves in total in the S.K.S. system.

But this small time investment will keep you and your family safe for a lifetime.

Now, some of these S.K.S. techniques include techniques like…

How to suffocate someone WITHOUT strangling them.

Or if you want to knock someone out in one hit…

I'll reveal why the head is one of the WORST places to strike (hint: it’s protected by hard bone).

Unless you’re Mike Tyson, you’ll probably just make them angrier.

No, there’s a much easier way to put someone to sleep without punching, kicking or choking them.

I’ll also show how you can use gravity to add extra force to your blows…

Which is especially useful if you’re an older guy going up against younger, stronger aggressors.

I’ll also explain why there are only 8 moves in just a moment (it’s also why this is NOT a “martial art”)...

But for now just know…

None of these moves require you to be particularly fast or strong.

This makes it the perfect style for folks who aren’t athletic.

And as you saw with the news headlines I showed you earlier…

The world is unpredictable. Violence can happen in an instant.

And if you don’t want to be a victim, you have to know how to deal with these situations.

Not only to protect yourself, but to keep your family and friends safe.

But that does NOT mean you need to become physically stronger or faster.

You just need to know the right Self-Defense Kill Strikes.

That’s all you need to take out any punk that tries to mess with you.

And having these kill-strikes in your pocket will give you a quiet, deep inner-sense of confidence (that comes from knowing how to handle dangerous situations)...

Again, we’re not going to be spending years “mastering” a martial art.

What I’m about to show you can be learned in an afternoon.

But please note, what I’m about to show you here should only ever be used in an emergency.

Because what you’ll learn here will give you power over any violent criminal or aggressor - but these moves can also cause extreme harm.

So, please use this knowledge responsibly.


Okay, if we’re on the same page…

Let me introduce myself properly.

As I mentioned earlier, my name is Jason Hanson and I’m a former CIA Officer.

Here’s one of the awards I received from the agency:
I'm also the New York Times bestselling author of books like the “Spy Secrets That Can Save Your Life.”

You may have seen me on ABC’s Shark Tank, Fox & Friends, and the NBC TODAY Show.

In fact, here's a quick clip...
I show you this not to brag, but to show you I’m the real deal.

And today, I want to introduce you to one of the most dangerous guys on the planet…

To give you a completely new form of self-defense designed to be mastered QUICKLY.
Now, this tough son-of-a-gun is Sifu Matt Numrich. He’s a Krav Maga Black Belt and Certified Instructor. Matt has trained the Air Marshals, Army, and Navy, to name a few.

And the government used Matt’s teachings after the 9/11 attacks to help Americans learn how to defend themselves in case of a terrorist attack. 
He was even called in to teach instructors of a secret government program.

Now, Matt and I have spent years training with various combat systems.

But we both realized, when it comes self-defense…
Most combat systems are NOT designed with the regular person in mind

Well, for starters - most take months or even years before you’ve developed the muscle memory for a martial art to be effective.

And secondly, it usually requires a lot of athleticism to pull off.

But what if you’re an older guy?

What if you have an injured back or bad knees?

The reality is, most combat systems today are NOT designed for these folks.

And the most deadly (and useful) methods are usually reserved for athletic, military personnel.

That’s why Matt designed a brand new kind of self-defense system.

He took the easiest, yet deadliest moves in Krav Maga and other military CQC systems…

And put into one simple combatives system designed for non-athletic, non-military, regular Joe's.

The result gave birth to the Self-Defense Kill Strikes (S.K.S.).

The #1 goal he had in mind was for this combatives system to be simple, but deadly.
That’s why there are only two-steps to the
Self-Defense Kill Strikes system
Step 1: Maim

Step 2: Follow up with the “Kill Strike” if needed

While I hope you’ll never need to use Step 2…

You already know, it’s better to know how to “kill” and never have to use those techniques…

Rather than be in a situation where you NEED these kill moves and NOT know them at all.

And most civilian self-defense systems tend to leave out the second step.

But not the S.K.S.

Again, I’d rather give you the knowledge now and hope you’re never in a situation where you’re forced to use it.

Secondly, Matt designed it in two steps for another very important reason:
Most “deadly strikes” are too difficult to
execute in a real-life fight
They require precision and speed.

And that only comes with years of practice.

But again, you may not have that much time to dedicate to unarmed combat.

Instead, he split it into two steps for this exact reason.

The first step consists of 4 easy moves that are practically guaranteed to maim your opponent.

These moves target easy-to-hit areas of the enemy’s body (so you can strike effectively with little or no practice)...

But still do enough damage to maim your enemy.

For instance…
  • If someone tries to punch you, use the upper-cut-wrench technique to break their arm nearly instantly. Many fights will open with the opponent trying to punch you. But once you know this move, this will be a grave mistake for them.
  • The knee-cap breaker (that can’t be blocked or parried) - this move completely maims your opponent’s ability to walk because it shatters their knee cap. And with the way you execute this technique, this makes it impossible to block.
  • Up against an opponent who’s bigger, faster or stronger than you? Not to worry. This “knee-swing” technique will put anyone out for hours. Doesn’t matter how tough they are (not even trained MMA fighters can take this hit standing)
  • Going for the eyes is always an effective strategy… But it’s also a hard target to hit! Most eye-strike techniques will make you miss, only making your aggressor angrier and leaving you open to a counter-attack. Instead, using the S.K.S. gouging technique 100% guarantees you’ll hit their eyes.
After step 1 (maim), your opponent will be on the ground, squirming in pain.

At this point, you can easily disengage and escape.

And in most scenarios, that’s what I’d recommend.

But if you’re in a situation where you CAN’T run…

(For example, if you have to protect children or your spouse).

The S.K.S. combatives system provides 4 additional follow-up “kill strikes” that will completely END the fight…

Again, you only want to use these as a last resort.
  • If you want to knock someone out in a single strike… DON’T punch them in the head. Unless you’re Mike Tyson, it probably won’t work (especially since the head is encased in hard, protective bone).

    Instead, use the “blade of your arm” to strike this soft part of their body. There’s no bone to protect this part. And it will put anyone out of commission instantly.
  • How to suffocate an enemy without strangling them - the hammer-fist strike (not the same as punching) will remove the aggressor’s ability to breathe. Use with caution because you may have to call 911 after executing this technique
  • How to concuss a mugger without punching or kicking them - there’s a much more efficient way and it guarantees a knock out - or potentially worse, ensure they never get up again. This move is especially effective if you don’t have much physical strength (because it uses gravity to apply extra deadly force)
  • Head kicks are effective, but can’t be executed without athleticism or training… right? WRONG! This type of kick shown in the S.K.S. requires little or no athleticism to pull off, and guarantees a knock-out! This move requires little to no accuracy either. If you can kick a soccer ball, you can do this
These kill strikes are your last resort.

And they’re easy to execute because you’ve already maimed the enemy (with Step 1).

And that means they won’t be so quick on their feet.

In other words…

You do devastating damage to your opponent’s easy-to-hit targets to maim them…

And once maimed, you can follow-up with the potentially lethal moves.
Now you may be surprised to hear that there are
only 8 moves in total in the Self-Defense
“Kill Strikes” system
There are 4 moves to maim.

And 4 to potentially inflict devastating damage to your aggressor’s vitals.

But here’s the thing…

These 8 moves are all you need to win ANY fight…

Against ANY opponent - even if they’re younger, stronger or faster than you.

In fact, if we taught you any more than 8, it could take you months to learn it all.

(You’ll be plenty deadly, just by practicing these 8 moves alone).

That’s also why there are NO defensive moves in the S.K.S. combatives system.

Rather than try to defend yourself, we believe destroying the attacker is far more effective.

Especially if you’re in a scenario where you’re outnumbered or have others to protect (like children or women).

Not to mention, strictly keeping it to 8 moves in total makes it easy to remember…

And this is what allows this combatives system just 60 minutes to learn.

(What’s more, practicing is much easier when there’s only 8 moves).

Again, Matt did this to keep it simple.
When you use any of these Self Defense
Kill-Strikes techniques…
You can handle ANY thug or would-be punk who tries to mess with you or your family
And this will give you a deep sense of self-confidence (the kind you’ve probably always wanted).

Don’t believe you can do it?

Well, using these same self-defense principles…

Matt has taught these combatives moves to many regular folks. For example…
Walter’s a restaurant manager and he isn’t built strong or athletically. One day, he had an unruly customer become rude and threatening with his staff. When he attempted to calm down the situation, the customer lashed out at him.

Walter quickly threw two strikes, which blew the assailant off of his feet and to the ground all within 2-3 seconds. Surprised and almost incoherent, the customer was led outside the establishment.”

- Matt
And many women have found that these moves provide them a sense of safety and confidence too!

(That’s why if you have a wife or daughter, I highly recommend learning these 8 moves together).
“I have gained self-defense skills that will prepare me for the unexpected… especially in my field (realtor) as it is so important to be prepared for the unthinkable.”

- Jessica E.
Even people with disabilities are stepping up!
That’s why there’s absolutely NO excuses.
You and everyone in your family can benefit from learning these Self-defense Kill Strikes
So, if you want to get tough…

(Without getting physically stronger or faster)...

If you want to be able to protect yourself and your loved ones…
We want to take the next 60 minutes to train you in the ways of the Self-Defense Kill Strikes system
The good news is, you won’t have to fly to me or Matt to learn it.

And we’ve made it so simple, you can start using the S.K.S. from the comfort of your home.

(In fact, you’ll get instant access to this video training as soon as your order is processed.)

But don’t let that fool you on this system’s effectiveness.

Remember, this is the cream of the crop when it comes to dealing devastating damage.

And just as a reference point behind the value of what I’m giving you today…

Normally, the Self-Defense Kill Strikes system would be $297.

Which is still great, considering what you learn here will last you a lifetime.

But when you get this training today…

You’ll get a massive 95% discount on this vital training…

And on top of that…
As a special bonus, you’re also getting access to the Advanced S.K.S. Program completely FREE
You see, the first version of the S.K.S. system we developed actually had a total of 18 moves.

But after realizing 18 moves was probably too much for most folks…

We stripped it down to the essential 8 I’ve shown you today.

However, it seems like a shame to “throw out” this advanced content…

So, we’ve decided to give you the other 10 techniques, completely free with your order of the Self-Defense Kill Strikes system today!

These moves include:
  • The “wind-pipe relocator” - the quickest way to make any thug lose his motivation for aggression, is to “relocate” his windpipe. This technique is as painful and deadly as it sounds. Use with caution.
  • How to put someone to sleep within seconds WITHOUT striking them (using the opponent’s own arm against them) - it’s about using leverage to get an angle that allows you to end any fight within the blink of an eye.
  • The one-strike kill - only use this technique if you are cornered into a position where you have no choice. There are two variants to this move. The first will knock them out cold. The second variant has a high probability of fatality.
  • How to break an enemy’s neck without touching his neck at all - sounds strange I know, but by using certain leverage points you can actually break an opponent’s neck without touching his neck.
In addition to this, the advanced course will also cover weapons training.

In other words, how to use a knife, baton or tactical pen for efficient and deadly results.

Again, these moves are designed to be devastating.

So, stick to the “maiming” moves where you can (these alone will cause plenty of pain)…

Only resort to deadly force if you have no other choice.

Now, with all that said…

I’m still not done yet.

As part of the official public launch of the Self-Defense Kill Strikes program…

I’m going to add two more additional bonuses…

These include…
Bonus #2: The Self-Defense Kill Strikes Manual
($49 Value)
I’m an old school kind of guy.

Which means I still like to read things.

So, once your order processes I’m sending you a FREE PDF copy of this training manual.

This way, you can print it out and have it with you whenever and wherever you want.

You can add this manual to your bug-out-bag or bug-out-vehicle, in case you ever need a quick refresher.
So, add that all up and you’re getting…
• Instant Access to The Self-Defense Kill Strikes Video Course ($297 Value)

• Bonus #1: • The Advanced Self-Defense Kill Strikes Program ($297 Value)

• Bonus #2: • Self Defense Kill Strikes Manual ($49 Value)

Total Value = $643.00

I’m sure you’d agree, even at the retail price of $643, this is a steal if it saved your life. 

But you won’t pay anywhere close to that today…

As part of the official launch of the S.K.S. program…

We’re giving you a massive 95% off!

Now, the reason I’m doing this is because the tension and violence in society today is so high, I believe every patriotic American needs the ability to defend themselves and their family…

So, I wanted to get this into the hands of as many people as possible, and I didn’t want price to be a barrier.

I’ll gladly leave money on the table if it means someone will be saved from a violent attack.

Not only that, but there’s ZERO risk for you to get this amazing training, because you’re backed by my…
3 Promise 100% Satisfaction Guarantee
(Or Your Money Back)
When you decide to try the Self-Defense Kill Strikes program today, I promise you three things:

1. The S.K.S. program must be easy for you to master and use within a few hours

2. You MUST feel more confident after learning the deadly moves taught inside this training program

3. You MUST feel you can use these techniques - even if you aren’t in good shape or have health problems

Unless this program fulfills ALL three of these promises…

I don’t want to keep your money.

So you’ll get a FULL refund.

In other words…

You can try the Self-Defense Kill Strikes course today, and unless you’re THRILLED with the training…

You get a full refund.
So, now you’re at a crossroads…
On one hand - you could take everything you’ve seen today…

And do nothing.

But that means you still don’t have an easy (but deadly) self-defense system that you can use to protect yourself and your family.

Sure you could go to some local martial arts programs…

But you already know many of those “fancy moves” are useless in a real fight.

And the good ones take years to master.

Heaven forbid, you get into a situation where you truly need to defend yourself…

But then realize you don’t have any method of handling dangerous situations when you’re unarmed.

But on the other road - you can be an action-taker.

You take ZERO risk in trying the S.K.S. training since you’re covered by your 100% money back guarantee.

You could learn a TRUE form of vicious self-defense…

That’s yours for a lifetime.

You’ll have the quiet confidence to stand up to any punk or thug that tries to mess with you or your family.

All you have to do is say “yes, I’ll try it.”

And this training is yours.

Just make sure to hurry.

If you still want to save 95%...

AND get access to all these free bonuses…

Make sure to lock in your course before time runs out.

Click the button below - I’ll see you on the other side.
Jason Hanson
Former CIA Officer
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