How To Defend against
Any attacker, mob, Gang
or road-rage lunatic

Discover the 3 Best Anti-Carjacking Defense
Secrets From Top Intelligence Operatives

(No matter your experience level, strength, or size)

Hi, Jason here.

I’m going to share a simple 3-step protocol you can use to protect yourself and your family from even the most violent street mobs and thugs.

It only takes one insane person in a sea of thousands to cause MAJOR problems before violence breaks out. 

And unfortunately, this happens more often than you might think.

Here are just a few examples:

In Portland - A woman had her car smashed overnight while parked on a busy downtown street during a recent protest.

And she wasn't the only victim either... several other cars were vandalized before police broke up the mob scene.

In Berkeley, California - A group of conservative speakers who were scheduled to speak had to be escorted out by police in riot gear after a violent mob showed up and began throwing objects at the building where they were speaking.

This included fireworks, rocks, and bottles. The windows at the venue were smashed out, along with several other businesses in the area.

In Washington DC,  violence broke out on the streets of D.C., causing over 200 arrests and many more injuries from people being punched in the face during angry clashes between groups on opposing sides of politics.

Police ended up using tear gas due to all the violence that day. And just this past weekend there was another outbreak of violence on the streets of D.C. 

Alt-Left protesters clashed with police and even burned a limousine.

Now, before you continue reading here’s a promise and a warning:  

If you continue to read this letter, I promise to show you how to prevent yourself and your family from becoming victims of one of these violent protests or rallies while you're in your car or on the streets…

And I also warn you that if you don’t take the simple step we’re going to discuss below - there’s a strong possibility you WILL become a victim.

The reason for this is because the media only shows the “peaceful protesters'' who stand around holding up signs and chanting slogans… 

And then they cut to footage of those being attacked by members from opposing groups… 

Which makes it look as though those committing violence are random everyday citizens…

When in fact they're often organized groups of far-left, communist radicals.

How do I know this? 

Because I have access to the same information the Elite have from my former position within a special government agency…

And if you’ve been following the news lately you know that “fake news” sites are constantly being blamed for influencing elections and causing violence, so it's absolutely critical that you follow this warning.

This letter is NOT fake news. 

It comes directly from an insider with verified credentials who has risked his life inside these dangerous groups to get real intel.  

I used to work for a special government agency that is directly involved in the monitoring of these groups - and protecting regular citizens from their violent protests.  

This agency is so secretive that even most other Elite groups don’t know about this powerful tactic. And why should they? 

They’re not affected by mobs… just everyday Americans like you and I who are caught up in the violence of these protesters…

But don't just take my word for it…

Here’s my commendation from my tenure at the CIA. 
This is a picture of one of my Agency challenger coins... 
Now… I don’t know about you, but I want our citizens to be safe. 

When "Stuff" Hits The Fan… I want good people like you and me to stay protected, no matter what. 

That’s my mission now...

Let’s be real… when things go sideways and riots, looting, home invasions, and other awful events happen in the blink of an eye…

You’ve got to act fast.

Most of the time that means getting on the road or traveling to a safe house.

That’s where this life saving protocol comes into play. 

The only reason you don’t know this protocol is because government agencies keep it secret so the information doesn’t get out and so terrorists can’t use it.

But in the interest of public safety… and because that’s outdated thinking...

I've decided to share this protocol... with everyone.

Let me be clear, what I'm about to show you isn't just for people that might one day become targets of terror attacks…

This vehicle defense protocol is literally the exact same method used by elite soldiers when they're transporting highly valuable intelligence personnel through enemy territory.

For example, when Navy SEALs are protecting our president or another world leader during a visit to some foreign country where protests might break out...

You'll often see them driving around in lightly armored trucks, with no apparent weapons…
And even though they're at a severe tactical disadvantage...

You'll never see them using firearms or getting into fights, because they already know the locations of every enemy nest and ambush point.

They don't need to "watch their backs" or take any other special precautions...

All they need to do is drive their charges around in these secret, heavily armored trucks – and sit back and relax – while all the terrorists try like hell to catch up to them…

But as soon as there's even the slightest possibility that things could go wrong (like when those thugs approached our man’s truck)...

The elite troops will open fire on those attackers from hundreds of feet away using sniper rifles, mounted auto-cannons, and other stay-at-home weapon systems.

And because those weapons are mounted...

They never need to take their eyes off the threat… They can just sit back, relax, and shoot at anything that comes into their field of view.

Now… not everyone is a NAVY SEAL. 

That’s why I created my latest training… so people like you and me can stay safe.

You can claim instant online access to your copy right now.

All you have to do is hit the button below…
Here’s just some of what you’re going to discover in this video you can be watching in the next 2 minutes... 
  • The 3 specific spots on your car you should ONLY EVER use for cover when the enemy is shooting at you (placing yourself anywhere else is like standing directly in front of the shooter and asking him to pull the trigger)
  • ​How to use the little-known concept of “in-vehicle angling” to hit your target with sharpshooter accuracy (and how you can safely perfect this technique in your own garage) 
  • ​The exact split-second maneuver you MUST use if the enemy pushes a gun to your face and tells you to get out the car (doing this properly can disarm your enemy without them even realizing what’s happening) 
Of all the domestic threats we face at the moment…

Road-based violence is at the top of the list.
We’re talking about a level of crime never seen before in modern history, happening in some of the safest parts of the country, and in broad daylight... 
And in fact, apart from concealed carry, I’d say that knowing how to defend yourself while inside a vehicle is definitely a critical skill you need to have these days.
Because as long as Democratic “lawmakers” across America keep defunding police and trying to take away our Second Amendment rights.

The millions of unstable psychopaths who commit these crimes will feel more empowered than ever before.

Meaning that these types of attacks will not only keep happening…

They’ll become even more common.

And despite what media outlets or talking head “experts” on TV may say…

It doesn’t matter how defensive or safe you try to drive on the road.

It doesn’t matter how much you try to avoid confrontation.

All it takes is a small group of entitled thugs not liking the way you look…

And just like that, no matter how much you apologize or rty to reason with them…

You’re now a target.

They’ll swerve in front of you, blocking your way (possibly even ramming their car into yours)…
And they’ll charge your vehicle with the sole intention of causing you and your loved one’s extreme physical harm.

Many of them will even be carrying a firearm or other weapons with the full intention of using them...

And right there is when 99% of “car fighting” victims make the biggest and most fatal mistake (more on this shortly).

That’s why, I want you to have this video instantly, so you can survive even the most violent road-rage incidents.
If you’re ever approached by an aggressive driver who starts yelling at you to get out of the car…

If a thug puts a gun to your face and tells you to hand over the keys…

Or even if your cars blocked by a group of violent protestors and there’s no way out…

The techniques in the Carfighting video are like an insurance policy that can protect you and your loved ones from a lifetime of medical bills or even death.

Except this type of insurance is basically free.

In fact, top-level intelligence operators have depended on the powerful techniques in this video to survive some of the most dangerous road-based operations.

But luckily, you don’t have to go through months of training to be able to successfully utilize what you’re about to learn.

In fact, these tactics can be used by anyone - regardless of how strong or athletic you are…

Just a word of caution, though…

Some of the techniques taught in this program have the potential to cause extreme bodily harm - including death - to the intended target(s).

They should only be used when in serious situations, when there is a real fear of loss of life.
“C.A.R” Fighting Principle #1: Cover
You see it all the time in the movies.

The main character is speeding through a city as bullets pierce his car and windows from all directions…

Or he’s on foot, getting shot at, and quickly finds safety behind a parked car.

And every single time, even though the car ends up being completely destroyed by gunfire…

The main character escapes completely intact.

In reality, you and I both know this does NOT work.

In fact, if you don’t know exactly what part of the car to hide behind…

And how to properly position yourself…

You might as well be hiding behind a piece of cardboard.

That’s why it’s extremely important to know where - and how - to take cover when being shot at.

When you know how to do this properly, you can maximize your level of protection…

While being able to return fire and save the lives of you and your loved ones.

And after watching this video, that’s exactly what you’re going to learn, along with…
  • ​How to make swift and calculated decisions when confronted with sudden life-threatening scenarios like drive-by shootings, armed carjacking attempts, and more
  • ​The SHOCKING result when you shoot at different areas of a standard car door with a handgun or rifle, and how it can mean the difference between life or death for anyone inside the vehicle
  • ​The one place you should always aim to use for cover in a situation where you’re walking on the sidewalk and there’s a sudden shootout (this should be your go-to spot for guaranteed safety)
  • ​How to use the simple yet powerful “V-Cover” technique that can save you when you’re in the driver’s seat and trying to stop a target in front of you
Any one of these tips can potentially save your life and those of your family members.

But while taking cover and playing defense is always important to have in your toolset…

Sometimes, the only way to neutralize violence…

Is to go on the offensive…
“C.A.R” Fighting Principle #2: Attack
Just a few months ago, an 18-year-old walked up to an 82-year-old man pumping gas at a station in Atlanta, Georgia.

The punk pulled out a gun and demanded the man hand over his car keys.

A struggle ensued…

And 10 seconds later, video footage shows the same 18-year-old attacker fleeing from the scene as fast as possible.

Not only did the 82-year-old successfully defend himself with just a few minor cuts and bruises…

He accomplished all of this while completely unarmed.

I highly recommend all my students carry a gun at all times where they legally can...

But what this brave man was able to do to an attacker a quarter of his age, with just his bare hands, in less than 10 seconds is something I’ll show you in your video, along with…
  • ​The #1 most crucial step you must keep in mind when you’re in a crisis situation (this applies to any encounter, road-based or not)
  • ​The EXACT “first-strike” blueprint to follow if you’re in your car and surrounded by a group of violent individuals who are attacking the vehicle, trying to pull you out, or blocking you from fleeing
  • ​How to disarm a would-be car thief who’s pointing a gun at you and demanding that you hand the keys over (this takes 1 second to do and catches most people completely by surprise)
  • ​Why it’s important to carry a handgun for self-defense whenever you’re in the car (and the best locations to holster it for easy and fast access)
  • ​How to position yourself when returning fire from outside the vehicle to ensure you’re not exposing major arteries (just one shot in an exposed area could kill you in seconds)
  • ​One place you should NEVER keep a handgun stored in a vehicle (doing this can be a death sentence if you’re caught off-guard while on the road)
  • ​A little-known “offset” mistake that even trained officers and military personnel make when shooting from behind a vehicle using a rifle (and how to avoid it in one very simple step)
  • ​The exact split-second maneuver you MUST use if an attacker pushes a gun to your face and tells you to get out of the car (doing this properly can gripple your attacker’s hand for life.)
No matter your skill level or strength…

The tactics you learn in this video can give you that extra bit of leverage needed to protect your family when all heck breaks loose.

Now, no skill set is complete without this third principle of Carfighting…
“C.A.R” Fighting Principle #3: Retreat
Depending on the type of threat you’re facing, your first priority never changes...

Safely getting away.

Sometimes that option is impossible - like if your car is rammed by someone else, breaks down, and you have no way out of the situation.

Other times, the option to retreat is hidden in plain sight - for example, when a group of protesters are viciously attacking your vehicle, but getting away might mean driving through one or more of them.

The point is, fleeing can be the safest and easiest way to get out of a dangerous situation with as little damage as possible…

But you have to know where to look…

And more importantly, how to take advantage of those tiny slivers of opportunity when they present themselves.

That’s exactly what I cover in the “C.A.R” Fighting Defense video, including…
  • ​When you should consider escaping a potentially violent road-based threat, and how to weigh your options to take the best course of action
  • ​The “shock absorber” technique you must always use when shooting while moving in order to stabilize your aim so you can give yourself time to retreat or flee and find cover 
  • ​How to expertly drive away from a situation in which a group of protestors are trying to block your exits, attacking your vehicle, and trying to pull passengers out
  • ​The “femoral” technique you can use when returning fire at a target so you can safely buy yourself time to escape without exposing yourself to life-threatening injuries
  • ​A little-known “windshield angling” mistake that can make escaping a road-based threat virtually impossible (plus how to fix it in one quick step) 
With violent crime rates skyrocketing across the country…

And many concerned citizens feeling completely helpless as wave after wave of protests, carjackings, and mayhem takes its toll...

Knowing just one of the tactics in this video can be all you and your family need to stay safe in this new “liberal woke dystopia”.

Because as much as I hate to admit it…

We can’t depend on our hardworking and honorable police to protect our streets any longer.

Their hands are tied behind their backs as the Biden administration continues to restrict their funding in favor of paying untrained “mental health professionals”.

Now, it’s up to you, me and every responsible American to ensure our own safety and take back our streets.

And now, the same road-based fighting tactics used to train our best and brightest intelligence operatives…

Are available to you - Now.

Plus, with how fast this situation is currently unfolding, “CAR” Fighting isn’t the only thing I’m going to give you today.

I want you to be as prepared as possible, so I’m also going to give you the following FREE gifts…
*FREE Gift #1*
Special Report: The D&E Decision Loop
Normally $19.00 
Today FREE 
Whether it’s defending your freedom from violent protesters…

Or just going through life in a world that’s becoming more and more dangerous by the day thanks to liberal policies and defunding of police…

It’s never been more important for patriotic civilians to learn how to gather intelligence, evaluate potential threats and hostility, and make split-second decisions on that intel.

That’s why you’ll get free access to a report put together by one of the best intelligence operatives I’ve ever had the pleasure of knowing.

It uses the same methodology taught by the Agency to top spies, and it’s highly applicable for civilians.

For instance, this report covers…
  • The Agency’s 3 Core Modalities of “intervention”. Use these to come up with entirely new ways to deal with threats and risk for you and your loved ones.
  • How operatives “soften the target” and “prepare the battlefield” long before any conflict is on the table (and how you can use the same strategies for self-defense).
  • The “5 Target Environments”. Apply these to your known risks and you’ll be more than ready to strike when a threat comes your way. 
  • How deep cover operatives gather intelligence and produce alternatives for discouraging or accelerating conflict – and how you can use their methods for your own personal protection. 
  • And much, much more...
Reading this briefing is critically important as it will give you an unfair advantage when it comes to protecting your family in the unpredictable world that we live in.
*FREE Gift #2*
C.A.R Shooting Targets
Normally $27.00 
Today FREE 
Defending yourself and your family in any life-or-death scenario depends on two critical factors.

Your ability to shoot accurately... and your ability to shoot consistently.

That’s why I’d like to give you unlimited access to the same high-resolution shooting targets I personally use to train for road-based threats.

These will help you prepare for if - heaven forbid - you’re standing face to face with an armed carjacker or a psychotic road-rager fully intent on harming you.

These shooting targets are in PDF format so you can download and print them from the comfort of your own home.
How To Get Your Video Instantly
Students have happily paid over $10,000 to fly into Spy Ranch, Utah to learn lifesaving skills from me in person…

And here’s what just a few of them have to say…
"I can't say enough about what I took away from this training. The alertness and awareness of what is going on around me came in so handy while traveling - I will use these skills daily."
~Darren P., Nashville, TN
"I can't speak more highly of the material or the instructor. What I learned may very well save my life one day."
~Marshall W., Front Royal, VA
"I can't thank you enough for not only offering this invaluable course but doing a fantastic job of teaching it. I left feeling empowered, which is something I have not felt for some time. I was stalked for 5 months by someone I briefly dated. This information and techniques gave me back my confidence. Thank you again so much..."
~Michelle W., San Diego, CA
"I've got to tell you this is a great experience for somebody, especially for us older guys. I mean, what a great time, a great adventure, and learn great skills to keep yourself safe. There's nothing I've ever even come close to ever hearing about. This is a phenomenal thing and we're forever grateful for what he's done. Thanks a lot Jason!"
~Mark M., Columbus, OH
"Hey Jason! I just wanted to say thank you so much... Best money ever spent. I'm way more confident and way more excited about shooting than I was ever before... I can't thank you enough, the drills were fun, it was so easy to learn from your instruction... Take care!"
~Andrea K., Ashburn, VA

This Carfighting training is so critical that I’m going to deliver it to you instantly.

In other words, you can access the video and start watching in the next two minutes!

If you don’t agree this video will help you and your family be safer…  

Just message me and I will refund you every cent you paid.

And because I put your safety first, I’ll even let you keep everything.

You can keep it ALL.

That’s right, if you decide this isn’t for you...

For any reason whatsoever… even if you NEVER watch the video… I’ll pay you back every penny, no questions asked.
All of the risk is on me to prove myself… and that’s how it should be.

How’s that for believing in the power of this video?

If you understand the critical need for protecting your family like I do...

All you need to do is click the green button at the bottom of this page.

And remember, it's all backed by my unconditional...
100% Moneyback Guarantee
No questions asked and you still get to keep everything for life.

As you can tell, I’m extremely confident that the information in this video can give you the tools you need to make you and your family feel safer out there.

In fact, just see what celebrities and former Navy SEALs say about the training I offer…
“When I first met Jason Hanson while he was pitching me his business on Shark Tank I knew that his company was going to be a winner and more importantly, that I might learn some tips that could one day save my life!”
Daymond John
Star of ABC’s Shark Tank
“You probably have heard me say before that if I wasn’t a cook, I would have loved to be a spy! Jason Hanson lets us all be secret agents by giving us the 411 on how to get out of potential 911 situations. With his inner secrets of the CIA, he can show you tips and tricks that could save you and your families’ lives!”
Rachael Ray
Star of ABC’s Shark Tank
“As someone who’s worked operations with the CIA, I can tell you that Jason and his team are the real deal.”
Cade Courtley
Former Navy Seal
“Jason has forgotten more tradecraft than most will ever know.”
Rorke Denver
Former Navy Seal
However, you must act quickly because...
The information on this page may
disappear at any moment
In the past, I’ve been requested by the government via a cease-and-desist letter to take down information off the internet that they consider too “sensitive”.
It means that I have no way of knowing how much longer the information on this page will stay up…

So please, if you want to learn how to protect you and your family from road-based threats…

I urge you to get access to this video by clicking the big green button below right now.
Remember, your decision today is backed by my 100% money back guarantee.

If you don’t believe the secrets I reveal will better help you better protect your family… I’ll refund your money promptly. 

Plus, I’ll even let you keep the video and bonus gifts for life.

In other words, you risk absolutely nothing by accepting this limited-time-only offer.

All the risk is on my shoulders. And that’s fine, that’s the way I like it.

So, go ahead and get instant access to your copy now.

Take back our streets and our freedom.

Grab your copy before it’s too late.
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