Since leaving the Agency, I’ve maintained a private network of former and active intelligence officers.
Guys and gals who can continue to give me insights into what’s really going on behind closed doors in D.C.
This network is how I’ve been able to predict many of the alarming trends we see unfolding in America today:
Food shortages.
Out of control inflation.
Skyrocketing crime rates.
Increasing censorship.
Attacks on the Second Amendment.
The ever-widening political divide.
The rise of Marxism and socialism.
I publicly warned of it all…
And through my New York Times bestselling book and 320-acre spy ranch, I’ve helped thousands of patriots prepare for the dire repercussions of these trends.
However, I’m now stepping forward with my most critical warning to date about this recession that’s going to get much, much worse.
The good news is, if you want to survive this recession and the coming crisis, I have a proven and tested formula that is inside my brand-new book.
Even better, the information inside this book (that will put you head and shoulders above the average man) is now available to you for over half-off.
The truth is, I’ve dedicated my life to safety and preparedness and it still pains me to see that the vast majority of Americans are woefully unprepared.
But that won’t be you when you claim your copy of Recession Survival Secrets today.
Inside this book, you’ll discover…