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“I had taken traditional martial arts before, I am retired Army, so I had fighting experience. But it wasn’t until I found out about Paul Vunak’s system that I am more knowledgeable about fighting. I certainly feel more safe and more confident if, God forbid, I have to protect myself or my loved ones. I recommend this book to fellow patriots.” ~Andre M. 
“Absolutely the best instructional book I've ever read on the subject. I definitely recommend it.” ~Skip M. 
“The RAT Fight book is not some wimpy ass, limp wristed instructions on how to not really hurt anyone’s feelings. It is painfully realistic and could save your life. Now this is a GOOD book.” ~James F. 
“Paul's blueprint for ending a street fight quickly is a game changer. I've studied traditional martial arts but always felt there would be too much to remember in a real confrontation. I don't have 20 years to get good at something. The neighborhood I live in, I might need this tomorrow. The Rapid Assault Tactics book gets you up to speed in short order. Thank you, Paul. Thank you, Jason.” ~Mike C. 
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