The DoD’s Undersecretary of Defense, Michael Griffin, admitted to the Senate Armed Services Committee…
“We do not have defenses against [the Gamma Bomb].”
And former CIA director James Woolsey called a potential Gamma Bomb strike…
“One of the greatest national vulnerabilities.”
If China decides to use its new superweapon against our nation…
We won’t have any advance warning.
An attack could happen before the 2024 elections…
Or early next year…
Or tomorrow.
The first sign of a Gamma Bomb attack…
Will be a massive fireball high above the horizon.
Blazing like a second sun…
So bright that, for 30 seconds…
Night will turn to day.
If you look directly at the explosion…
You’ll be blinded.
If you have the lights on in your house…
Take one last look…
They will never work again.
Because, over the next 3 minutes…
America will go dark.
A supercharged energy pulse will fire down from the Gamma Bomb explosion at the speed of light…
Instantly overloading every power line in the country, and…
Destroying America’s entire coast-to-coast electric grid.
Transformers will explode on their poles…
Power stations will burn…
And anything with electrical components will fry and fuse…
That means…
In the first few minutes following the attack…
No lights…
No heat…
No phones…
No television…
No internet…
No well pumps or sanitation systems…
No appliances…
No cars or trucks built since 1970 will start…
An eerie quiet will fall over our dark nation…
With no vehicles on the road…
No alarms or sirens…
No sound…
Except the screams of your panicked neighbors…
In the first 60 minutes after the explosion…
Planes will crash…
As pilots are forced to land without electronics or air traffic control.
Four hours in…
The food in your refrigerator will begin to spoil...
(Sooner, if you open it.)
You might get 24 hours from the frozen food in your freezer.
Ration it.
There won’t be any way to get more.
By the end of the first 24 hours…
Groceries store shelves will be picked clean.
Gun shops and hardware stores will be looted and empty…
Lawlessness will start to take over cities and towns…
Just days after the attack…
Failing dams could cause catastrophic flooding…
Without their safety control systems…
Nuclear power plants will be in danger of melting down…
Huddled at home...
Your guns at your side…
You’ll have little food or clean water left…
Stalled cars will block the streets…
No banks will be operational…
Your savings will be gone for good...
Money will soon stop having any value anyway…
You won’t be able to refill your medical prescriptions…
You’ll have no way to access emergency services…
And even if you could call 911…
No one will come.
No police…
No paramedics…
No fire trucks…
Think even bigger…
The Department of Defense relies on civilian power grids for 99% of its energy needs.
That means, soon after the Gamma Bomb hits…
There will be no functional US military.
And no working federal, state, or local government to step in…
You will be completely on your own.
Now, not many Americans will die in the initial Gamma Bomb blast…
Or during the first days following the attack.
That’s not how a Gamma Bomb works.
But many people may wish they’d died instantly…
Because what comes next will be worse…
Much worse.
You see…
Unlike the temporary power outages you’ve faced over the years…
This time…
The lights won’t come back on.
The power grid won’t be repaired for YEARS… if ever.
Without electricity…
American society will be back in the stone age…
And most people will have zero idea how to cope.
For example…
Grocery stores keep just a few day’s worth of food on site.
They count on new supplies arriving daily.
But the American food chain is completely dependent on electricity for production, refrigeration, and transport.
After a Gamma Bomb attack…
All local food supplies will be sold or stolen within the first day or two.
And no more food trucks will ever arrive.
Have you ever seen what a starving animal will do to eat?
Just a few weeks following a Gamma Bomb attack…
Neighbor will turn on neighbor…
Desperate for food, water, and life-sustaining resources.
Murder and violence…
Contaminated water…
No medical care…
Bitter winter cold…
And sweltering summer heat…
Will bring death and mass suffering on a scale…
Dwarfing any war, famine, or plague in human history.
It’s a simple reality…
Most Americans today are completely unequipped to survive without electricity.
Grocery stores…
Modern medicine…
And police are just a phone call away.
Experts say it could take America 4-10 years to recover from even a minor Gamma Bomb attack…
Total societal collapse will happen much quicker than that…
Bringing with it mass violence, starvation, and death.
Now, my intention is not to scare you.
I just want to make clear how dangerous this new Chinese superweapon is…
Their Gamma Bomb is the biggest threat we’ve ever faced as a nation.
Fact is…
Our leaders have slept on the Chinese…
Playing nice, shaking hands, and making deals…
Using American investment to build their economy…
While China secretly developed a superweapon designed…
To destroy our nation forever.
But you won’t hear about any of this from our politicians…
You’ll see why that is in a moment.
I do have good news.
If you act immediately…
You still have time to prepare.
You and your loved ones can survive the attack…
And be among the few winners in the new world to follow.
That’s what I’m going to show you right now.