Survive China’s New “Gamma Bomb” Superweapon
That Could Kill 90% of Americans
Ex-CIA Officer Jason Hanson: They’ve done a “dry run”. We have no defense. See below how to survive – and WIN in the aftermath.
“Last week whilst taking my mother to France for Xmas (We are still here) she accidentally locked and padlocked her case with the keys inside. Anyway I had a go and remembering a video of yours I watched… I tensioned the lock, raked the pins and then jiggled them. "Snick". The lock came open. And my mother was VERY happy! Thank you for your help and for making my Mum, not only happy but a little bit proud of me too!”                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        ~ Michael Robary, London, England  
August 13, 2021 was almost America’s last day.

That morning…

As good folks went about enjoying their summer…

China launched a dry run of their new ultimate superweapon…

The “Gamma Bomb”.

Using secret technology we didn’t know they possessed…

And we still don’t have…

China’s superweapon entered low earth orbit at a blistering Mach 5…

It crossed over the South Pole…

Before flying north toward the US coastline…

Evading our radar…

Evading our early warning systems…

Luckily, this time…

It was just a test…

Because our military and political leaders…

Were caught with their pants down.

Three years later…

We’re still sitting ducks.

We have no defense against China’s Gamma Bomb.

And experts now predict…

If China uses it…

70-90% of US citizens could DIE…

And our great nation will be destroyed…


If they launch their new superweapon…

There are 3 things you must do in the first 5 minutes of the attack.
If you don’t do these 3 things…

You and your loved ones will be victims.

Hi, I’m former CIA Officer Jason Hanson.
I’ve always been a loyal soldier.

I try not to speak against our government.

But every American needs to see this.

I’m holding verified PROOF…

China now possesses the Gamma Bomb SUPERWEAPON…

This is the most dangerous weapon the world has ever seen.

And China developed it for one purpose only.

To destroy the United States.

Military experts now predict…

China’s Gamma Bomb could…

Wipe out 70-90% of all Americans…

Within just the first 12 months following the attack.

That’s potentially 300 MILLION DEAD.

It gets worse…

I’m about to show you why I now believe…

Thanks to specific failures of our political elite…

China could use its Gamma Bomb superweapon…

BEFORE the 2024 presidential elections.

And you’ll see why some experts also say…

A Gamma Bomb type event is virtually 100% GUARANTEED.


I’ll reveal the only way to prepare you and your loved ones…

Not just for a Gamma Bomb attack itself…

But to survive and even thrive in the aftermath.
As I mentioned before…

My name is Jason Hanson.

I’m a former CIA Officer.

The Agency gave me the CIA Exceptional Performance Award twice.

Here’s one of them.

After nearly a decade of service to our country…

I opened a private survival and self-defense skills training school.
We have 320-acres in Utah called Spy Ranch.

I also provide advanced security services for celebrities, CEOs, and other high-profile targets.

You may even have seen me demonstrate self-defense and spy skills…
On Fox News, NBC Today, Shark Tank, and many other media outlets…

Most importantly…

I’m a father of 7…

A devout Christian…

And an American patriot.
That’s why I refuse to sit back…

And let good Americans suffer…

Because of the failures of Washington bureaucrats.

Let me be 100% clear on this:

Washington politicians – in both parties…

Are absolutely aware of the Gamma Bomb.

They know China has it.

They know China has successfully tested it.

But have you heard anything about it?
Instead, our “leaders” greedily hoard their own power and wealth…

While turning a blind eye to China’s new superweapon.

That’s why I’m personally asking you…

Because, right here, you’re going to see…

Why I believe the attack could happen before the 2024 presidential elections…

And you’ll see exactly what you can do NOW…

To not just survive the attack…

But WIN in the aftermath.

Because when the Gamma Bomb attack happens…

You will be completely on your own.

Your family and friends will look to you for leadership, safety, and resources.

Yes, that’s a huge responsibility…

But since you’ve watched this far…

I know you are much stronger than most.

Let me show you everything now…

Starting with exactly what the Chinese Gamma Bomb is…

And why we are defenseless against it.

The underlying technology was actually discovered in the 1950s…

By us.
You see…

When our military was testing early atomic bombs…

They discovered something extraordinary…

In a nuclear explosion…

A massive pulse of charged gamma rays and electromagnetic energy…

Shoots out from the blast at the speed of light…

In their testing…

This massive pulse of energy had a surprising effect…

It overloaded and destroyed any electrical components in the blast zone.

Military officials called this an “electromagnetic pulse” or “EMP”.

Myself and others call it a Gamma Bomb…

Because it’s vital that we understand it’s now a weapon…

Very likely the most dangerous weapon ever made.

The Gamma Bomb has the potential to win a World War…

Defeat our military…

And end American civilization…


It works by using a small nuclear explosion…

High up in the atmosphere…

To generate a massive electromagnetic pulse…

That will instantly overload a country’s entire electrical grid…

Damaging it beyond repair…

And sending that nation back to the stone age.

But here’s the worst part…

China has combined the devastation of a Gamma Bomb electromagnetic pulse…

With a new delivery technology…

That we can’t defend against.

Let me explain…

A small nuclear device…

Exploded high in the earth’s atmosphere…

Say 100 miles above Kansas…

Would create an electromagnetic pulse…

Covering most of our nation…

Instantly destroying our power grids…

And frying most electrical devices and systems.

In just seconds…

Our country will enter into an apocalyptic nightmare.

The DoD’s Undersecretary of Defense, Michael Griffin, admitted to the Senate Armed Services Committee…

“We do not have defenses against [the Gamma Bomb].”

And former CIA director James Woolsey called a potential Gamma Bomb strike…

“One of the greatest national vulnerabilities.”

If China decides to use its new superweapon against our nation…

We won’t have any advance warning.

An attack could happen before the 2024 elections…

Or early next year…

Or tomorrow.

The first sign of a Gamma Bomb attack…

Will be a massive fireball high above the horizon.

Blazing like a second sun…

So bright that, for 30 seconds…

Night will turn to day.

If you look directly at the explosion…

You’ll be blinded.

If you have the lights on in your house…

Take one last look…

They will never work again.

Because, over the next 3 minutes…

America will go dark.

A supercharged energy pulse will fire down from the Gamma Bomb explosion at the speed of light…

Instantly overloading every power line in the country, and…

Destroying America’s entire coast-to-coast electric grid.

Transformers will explode on their poles…

Power stations will burn…

And anything with electrical components will fry and fuse…

That means…

In the first few minutes following the attack…

No lights…

No heat…

No phones…

No television…

No internet…

No well pumps or sanitation systems…

No appliances…

No cars or trucks built since 1970 will start…

An eerie quiet will fall over our dark nation…

With no vehicles on the road…

No alarms or sirens…

No sound…

Except the screams of your panicked neighbors…


In the first 60 minutes after the explosion…

Planes will crash…

As pilots are forced to land without electronics or air traffic control.

Four hours in…

The food in your refrigerator will begin to spoil...

(Sooner, if you open it.)

You might get 24 hours from the frozen food in your freezer.

Ration it.

There won’t be any way to get more.

By the end of the first 24 hours…

Groceries store shelves will be picked clean.

Gun shops and hardware stores will be looted and empty…

Lawlessness will start to take over cities and towns…

Just days after the attack…

Failing dams could cause catastrophic flooding…

Without their safety control systems…

Nuclear power plants will be in danger of melting down…

Huddled at home...

Your guns at your side…

You’ll have little food or clean water left…

Stalled cars will block the streets…

No banks will be operational…

Your savings will be gone for good...

Money will soon stop having any value anyway…

You won’t be able to refill your medical prescriptions…

You’ll have no way to access emergency services…

And even if you could call 911…

No one will come.

No police…

No paramedics…

No fire trucks…

Think even bigger…

The Department of Defense relies on civilian power grids for 99% of its energy needs.

That means, soon after the Gamma Bomb hits…

There will be no functional US military.

And no working federal, state, or local government to step in…

You will be completely on your own.

Now, not many Americans will die in the initial Gamma Bomb blast…

Or during the first days following the attack.

That’s not how a Gamma Bomb works.

But many people may wish they’d died instantly…

Because what comes next will be worse…

Much worse.

You see…

Unlike the temporary power outages you’ve faced over the years…

This time…

The lights won’t come back on.

The power grid won’t be repaired for YEARS… if ever.

Without electricity…

American society will be back in the stone age…

And most people will have zero idea how to cope.

For example…

Grocery stores keep just a few day’s worth of food on site.

They count on new supplies arriving daily.

But the American food chain is completely dependent on electricity for production, refrigeration, and transport.

After a Gamma Bomb attack…

All local food supplies will be sold or stolen within the first day or two.

And no more food trucks will ever arrive.

Have you ever seen what a starving animal will do to eat?

Just a few weeks following a Gamma Bomb attack…

Neighbor will turn on neighbor…

Desperate for food, water, and life-sustaining resources.

Murder and violence…


Contaminated water…


No medical care…

Bitter winter cold…

And sweltering summer heat…

Will bring death and mass suffering on a scale…

Dwarfing any war, famine, or plague in human history.

It’s a simple reality…

Most Americans today are completely unequipped to survive without electricity.

Grocery stores…

Modern medicine…

And police are just a phone call away.

Experts say it could take America 4-10 years to recover from even a minor Gamma Bomb attack…

Total societal collapse will happen much quicker than that…

Bringing with it mass violence, starvation, and death.

Now, my intention is not to scare you.

I just want to make clear how dangerous this new Chinese superweapon is…

Their Gamma Bomb is the biggest threat we’ve ever faced as a nation.

Fact is…

Our leaders have slept on the Chinese…

Playing nice, shaking hands, and making deals…

Using American investment to build their economy…

While China secretly developed a superweapon designed…

To destroy our nation forever.

But you won’t hear about any of this from our politicians…

You’ll see why that is in a moment.


I do have good news.

If you act immediately…

You still have time to prepare.

You and your loved ones can survive the attack…

And be among the few winners in the new world to follow.

That’s what I’m going to show you right now.

But here’s the big question…

How would China fire a nuclear weapon at America?

After all…

We have the world’s most sophisticated early warning technology…

And missile defense systems.

Here’s the problem…

While our political leaders were busy being wined and dined by lobbyists…

And begging for campaign handouts from billionaires…

China was quietly developing military technology so revolutionary…

You see…

China’s military now has something called a Hypersonic Glide Vehicle or HGV.

An HGV is boosted by a rocket into the upper atmosphere…

It flies along the edge of space at incredible speeds…

Up to 15,000 miles per hour…

That’s about 10X faster than our fastest fighter jets…
It can maneuver unpredictably to evade missile defense systems.

Then, as it nears its objective…

It suddenly dips out of orbit…

And nails its target with incredible accuracy.

A hypersonic glide vehicle is extremely advanced weaponry…

Every superpower on earth wants one.

But the US intelligence community…

And the rest of the world…

Did not believe any nation had mastered advanced hypersonic glide technology.

We were wrong.

China’s HGV dry run on August 13, 2021 stunned everyone…

A US intelligence official admitted:

“We have no idea how they did this.”

According to others…

China’s test run was “astounding”...

And their tech “far more advanced than US officials realized.”

Fact is…

China now possesses a nation-destroying superweapon…
That we will never see coming…

And have almost ZERO ability to defend against.

If you think China would never use this kind of weapon against us…

I have some bad news…

They’ve been planning it for 30 years.

US intelligence services know China has been working on a Gamma Bomb weapon since at least 1993.

They considered developing this kind of electromagnetic pulse superweapon a national priority…


To destroy us.

They’ve even admitted it…

An article in China’s People’s Liberation Army newspaper bragged that because of our advanced, electricity-dependent society…

“The United States is more vulnerable than any other country in the world”...

To attacks by a Gamma Bomb electromagnetic weapon.

China may even be considering using the Gamma Bomb…

To execute an out-of-the-blue “Pearl Harbor type” attack…

As this warning was found in Chinese military documents, saying…

“It could be regarded as the ‘Pearl Harbor Incident’ of the 21st century if a surprise attack is conducted…”

“Against the enemy’s crucial information systems of command, control, and communications by such means as… electromagnetic pulse weapons.”

“Even a super military power like the United States, which possesses nuclear missiles and powerful armed forces, cannot guarantee its immunity.”

Make no mistake…

China is preparing for war with the US.

In 2023, CIA Director Bill Burns said it’s believed…

Chinese President Xi Jinping has ordered his military to be ready to invade Taiwan by 2027.

That’s less than 36 months from now.

They’re setting the stage…

In his 2024 New Year’s speech…

President Xi told his people that “reunification” with Taiwan is “inevitable”...
And, as you know…

We’ve promised to defend Taiwan if it’s attacked.

It could happen sooner than you think…

Four-Star General Mike Minihan warned his troops…

“My gut tells me we will fight [China] in 2025.”

However, I believe…

They could launch a Gamma Bomb attack even sooner than that.

Perhaps as soon as…

This year.
I fear China could launch a Gamma Bomb attack…

Before the 2024 election…

Or before the Inauguration…

They’ll want to strike while we’re weakest…

And before President Trump shores up our defenses.

My sources tell me one thing…

War with China is coming….

And we’re not prepared.

In fact, there’s nothing you or I can do to stop it.
All we can do is prepare.

By taking some simple – yet perhaps counterintuitive – steps right now…

You can help ensure the safety and security of your loved ones after a societal collapse.

You can protect them from the food, water, and medical shortages…

That will leave others dead or dying.

You can keep your loved ones warm, well-nourished, and safe…

Even as society descends into a lawless chaos.

And you can protect them from the violence…

That will consume the nation as desperate millions take to the streets.

I believe the chances of attack within the next 12 months are high.

The time to prepare everything you’ll need is now.

But if you’re overwhelmed…

I completely understand.

Knowing where to start can be difficult…

And getting it wrong can be costly…

But worse…

It could put you and your family in grave danger.

I’m here to help.

That’s why…

I compiled EVERYTHING you need to survive the collapse of America…

Into a simple, easy-to-implement preparedness kit.

Called the Gamma Bomb Survival Pack.

In your personal Gamma Bomb Survival Pack…
You’ll get step-by-step instructions…

That anyone, regardless of their age, health, or strength…

Can follow to not just weather the coming storm…

But to continue to enjoy long-term safety, security, and comfort.

All you need to do is…

Follow the clear protocols I show you in your survival pack...

Most are low or zero cost to set up…

Are simple to learn…

Take just minutes to implement…

And can be used by anyone, old or young.

These are the same military-level strategies intelligence operatives and special forces teams use…

For dominating any situation on earth.

And, unlike any other survival resources you may have seen before…

The secrets inside your own Gamma Bomb Survival Pack…

Reveal how to survive for months, years…

Or even decades.

This isn’t just about packing a bug out bag…

Stocking up on a few weeks’ worth of food…

Or buying some gold…

Your new Gamma Bomb Survival Pack…

Is a step-by-step blueprint for winning in a post-apocalyptic America.

To my knowledge…

No one else has ever shared these “operative level” long-term survival strategies.

But the Gamma Bomb threat is urgent…

And there’s no time to hesitate…
By getting this far…

I know I found the right person.

You have the strength, intelligence, and courage…

To survive in the face of society’s collapse…

But also…

To WIN after the fall.

In your own Gamma Bomb Survival Pack…

You’ll see how to build…

A safe, thriving community of your loved ones and trusted friends…

With an ample food supply…

All the clean water you can drink…

Warmth, security, and even comfort…

While making sure any enemies learn the hard way…

That YOU are the new alpha.

That’s what you’re getting today.

Your Gamma Bomb Survival Pack is made up of these 3 powerful resources:

Resource #1. “Aftermath: A Survival Guide to America’s Apocalypse”
This comprehensive survival manual shows you exactly…

How to secure food, water, medicine, and shelter after the grid falls…

And how to preserve and even grow your wealth…

In the new world to come.

Then you’ll also get…
Resource #2. “Inside My Ultimate Survival Vault”
In this 66-minute video…

I reveal on camera, for the first time…

My own personal survival vault.

I’m taking you inside my own home…

You’ll see everything I’ve done to prepare for the attack…

It’s like I’m personally guiding you through your own preparation…

So you can see EXACTLY what to do…

Without any guesswork at all.

Then, you’ll also get the 3rd resource in your Survival Pack…
Resource #3. “Alpha Tactics: Turn the Tables on Any Attacker”
In this uncensored video…

You’ll see secret (and brutal) special forces and intelligence operative techniques…

To protect your family and property in a dangerous new America.

The ugly reality is…

After the attack…

Our great nation will quickly collapse into a lawless, violent place.

Yet, because of the resources you’ll get today…

You’ll be prepared to survive…

And even thrive in this new society…

But you’ll be one of the few.
That means…

Other people will want what you have.

I pray you never need the defense secrets you’ll see in your “Alpha Tactics” video…

But after the fall…

Knowing how to defend your family and property…

Against a large group of attackers…

Will not be optional.

In just a few minutes from now…

You can have your entire Gamma Bomb Survival Pack…

With all 3 vital resources for surviving a Gamma Bomb attack…

Or any major national crisis..

And winning in the aftermath.

First, let me show you a little more about what you’re getting today…

Starting with Resource #1…

“Aftermath: A Survival Guide to America’s Apocalypse”

“Aftermath” is a step-by-step survival manual for life after the grid falls…

Inside, you’ll find little-known, operative-level tactics for securing your food sources…

Clean water…

And holding wealth that will retain its value after the fall.

To be clear…

This is not your run-of-the-mill survival advice…

Because, to write “Aftermath”...

I partnered with a friend and former CIA colleague.

I’m going to call him Mr. X.

Mr. X is one of those patriots…

Who worked behind the scenes…

Doing whatever was necessary for the interests of our country.

Because if you’re not 100% prepared to survive in a world without power…

Without grocery stores…

Without money…

And without laws…

You’ll be helpless.
And helpless people are victims.

There’s nowhere else on earth you’ll find a resource like your “Aftermath” manual.

You’re getting a combined 70 plus years of intelligence operative (“spy”), military, security, and combat experience…

But despite the value it holds…

“Aftermath” only includes the information you need.

There's no fluff...

It’s written in plain English…

In a clear, step-by-step format…

So you know how to prepare before an attack happens…

Here’s a small sample of what you’ll find inside your personal copy of “Aftermath”...

We show you – step-by-step…

How to create a reliable supply of delicious food…

That will keep you and your family fed for the long-term…

Including a little-known way to get some land to grow food…

Even if you can’t afford it right now.

If your home doesn’t already have arable land…

A piece of farmable land with a water supply will allow you to grow food.

But if you don’t own land already…

You’ll see a way to own your own oasis…

To get a piece of arable land…

Even if you can’t afford it right now.

Then, when you get your new land…

Plant the little-known “Savior” plant first.

You might never have heard of it…

But it’s delicious…

And, most importantly…

Packed with nutrients.

Just a tiny 3.5-ounce portion provides 128 calories, 7.5 grams of protein, and 7.3 grams of fiber.

Then, after that...

We reveal a special piece of gear that will ensure YOU still have power…

Even if the grid never comes back.


One of the first things you’ll need is a permanent supply of clean drinking water…

You don’t want to be dependent upon stagnant pools of water you may find along the roadside or water heaters in abandoned houses.
We show you how to guarantee a clean water supply.

What about your money?

“Wealth” will take on a different meaning after a Gamma Bomb strike…

But that doesn’t mean you don’t want to preserve whatever you have now….

And even possibly increase its value after a societal collapse.
In “Aftermath,” we show you how to stock up on antibiotics without having to go to the doctor.

And even grow plants with natural antibiotic properties… 
It doesn’t matter if you don’t have time to spend weeks or months preparing…

Anyone, from any background…

Can follow the simple blueprint Mr. X and I put together in “Aftermath”…

To ensure your safety and the safety of your loved ones.

“Aftermath: A Survival Guide to America’s Apocalypse”…

Is Resource #1 in your complete Gamma Bomb Survival Pack.
You’ll also get Resource #2…

Your “Inside My Ultimate Survival Vault” video…
In this 66-minute video…

You’ll see something even some of my closest friends haven't…

My own personal Gamma Bomb survival vault.

For me, preparedness isn’t a hobby…

I’ve spent more than 2 decades…

And over $500,000 of my own money…

To learn exactly what it takes to survive a long-term catastrophe like a Gamma Bomb attack…

That’s why…

I’m going to show you exactly what I’ve done personally to prepare…
I'll show you a special food “hack”…

How to legally gain access to a private organization that sells the best quality #10 cans of survival food at bargain prices.

Or how to get Israeli Special Forces water treatment gear…

Or find US Military survival tools that last longer than civilian stuff…

The “Inside My Ultimate Survival Vault” video is personal, informal, and comprehensive.

Everything in the video comes directly from my CIA experience, my personal security expertise…

There’s no other resource like this by someone with my experience.

And, most importantly…

I also show you how to figure out how much food each member of your family will need.

Then you’ll see how to avoid a shameful “food label” scam used by some survival companies…

And how a special $1 tool can make sure you don’t open a food bucket to find everything inside is spoiled…

Why you should never use the lids food buckets come with…

How to do the “Torch and Tear Test” to make sure you didn’t get scammed on low-quality survival food pouches.

(This happens more than you know.)
In my private video…

You’ll see my own water storage and filtration tools…

And how to figure out exactly how much you’ll need for you and your family in a crisis that will last for years.

Here’s a question…

Do you know how to keep algae and mold from growing in your stored water?

I show you that too.

I also reveal a US Military grade water filter method for if you are away from your home…

And you’ll see an Israeli Special Forces technique that makes any water you find potable…

In a moment, I’ll show you how to RSVP…

For instant access to the complete “Inside My Ultimate Survival Vault” video…

You could be watching it in just a few minutes…

But before I go…

I want to show you the final thing you’re getting today…

I’m talking about Resource #3 in your Gamma Bomb Survival Pack…

“Alpha Tactics: Turn the Tables on Any Attacker”

In this uncensored video…
You’ll see the “Cattle Chute” defense tactic…

A military-derived technique for destroying a group of attackers at your home.

Within days of a Gamma Bomb attack…

Mass violence will become the only law.

The vast majority of Americans won’t be prepared…

They’ll have no idea what to do…

Their fear and hunger will lead to panic…

Panic will turn to violence…

And murder.

But because of what you’ve learned today…

And the resources in your new Gamma Bomb Survival Pack…

You will be one of the very few prepared to survive after the fall.

Those that aren’t prepared…

Will begin acting out of pure survival instinct…
When you’re outnumbered by the worst of humanity…

You need a plan.

A proven system to control and neutralize large groups of attackers.

You need to be ready to rain total destruction down on your enemies.

You need the “Cattle Chute”.

The Cattle Chute is a military-derived defense tactic…
That puts YOU in total, merciless control

Even when you’re vastly outnumbered.

The Cattle Chute will turn your home into a fortress…

And it will increase your own power and confidence.

When you have the Cattle Chute in your arsenal…

YOU are the predator.

Your attackers made a huge mistake by trying to attack you.

They need to know that.

In your “Alpha Tactics: Turn the Tables on Any Attacker” video…

You’ll see the Cattle Chute in uncensored action.

Why is it called the Cattle Chute?

A cattle chute allows a herd to be controlled and funneled anywhere you want them...

Including to slaughter.

Is that clear enough?

When you know the Cattle Chute…

You’ll turn the tables on any human filth intent on harming your family.

You will destroy every last attacker.

Your property line will become the mouth of Hell itself for these criminals.

And if they cross that line…

It’s over for them.

You’ll see exactly what to do, in step-by-step detail…

Including live demonstrations.

But that’s not all…
You’ll see…

How inexpensive, reliable military devices can alert you the second someone crosses your property’s perimeter…

How to immediately, silently assess the threat so you know exactly what to do next…

How to repel intruders using a 1,000-year-old Samurai defense tool (it’s not pretty)…

Again, it’s brutal.

If you’re not prepared to be a predator when the time comes…

This video isn’t for you.

Because you’re going to see exactly what to do, including…

How to make a birdfeeder into a legal bomb…

To incinerate a whole mob of attackers…

How a special weapon used by the Romans and Mongols…

Can turn back anyone who enters your property…

How to secure specialized rounds that spit fire…

How to make $30 “body armor” out of a household item that can stop almost any small arms fire…
And much, much more.
In just a few minutes from now…

The full Gamma Bomb Survival Pack can be yours…

You’ll own all 3 vital resources for surviving a Gamma Bomb attack…

Or any society ending catastrophe…

And winning in the aftermath.

With the tools and operative-level tactics you’re about to hold…

You’ll be the only person in your town prepared for the fall…

And to rise as a person of power and authority in the aftermath.

Are you ready?

Below this screen, there’s a button…

That says, "Click here to claim your full Gamma Bomb Survival Pack."

When you click that button…

You’ll be taken to a secure reservation page…

Where you can tell me exactly…

Where to send your full Gamma Bomb Survival Pack.

I’ll be candid with you…

What I’m asking will probably not cover my costs.

In fact, I’ll likely lose money on every Survival Pack I sell.

But that’s ok with me.

It’s worth it to me to get this information to those good Americans…

Who see the danger on the horizon…

And who are strong and smart enough to prepare now.

But in case you still have questions…

There’s something else you should know…

When you claim your own copy of the Gamma Bomb Survival Pack today…

You take ZERO risk.

I’m serious.

If you don’t think the Survival Pack is a truly astonishing value…

Go ahead and return it for a full, 100% refund…

No questions asked.

Let me repeat that…

When you agree to try out the Gamma Bomb Survival Pack…

Including all 3 resources:

#1. “Aftermath: A Survival Guide to America’s Apocalypse” survival manual

#2. “Inside My Ultimate Survival Vault” video

#3. “Alpha Tactics: Turn the Tables on Any Attacker” video

I’ll email your personal links to the complete Survival Pack within minutes.

Then, open them at your convenience…

Read the full “Aftermath” manual…

Watch both videos…
Take your time.


Start to put these military and intelligence survival tactics into use on your own property…

Relish how it feels to be the only person in your neighborhood who holds knowledge of the Gamma Bomb…

And who is now prepared to survive an attack.

That’s real power.

However, if at any time you don’t think the value of what I sent you…

Is worth many times more than what you paid…

Just request a refund and…

I’ll give you back every penny.

No questions asked.

You’ll get back 100% of your money if you’re not completely happy.

And there’s no rush.

In fact, take a full year to decide.

Fact is…

I’ve spent my career defending our country against our enemies.

The Gamma Bomb Survival Pack is as important as anything I’ve ever done.

I want there to be no reason you aren’t protected when a Gamma Bomb strike happens…

In a moment…

When you claim your full Survival Pack…

My team will send it to your inbox right away.

Look for an email to arrive in just a few minutes.
In that email…

You’ll get links to the entire Pack, with…

Digital copies of all 3 resources…

But before you go…

I have one more thing for you.

You see, after a Gamma Bomb attack…

You may be forced to leave your home for safety…

Or to travel to meet up with family….

When you’re on the road…

You’ll encounter new challenges.

That’s why, when you purchase the Gamma Bomb Survival Pack today…

I’m going to include a free bonus gift for you…

“The CIA Survival Manual”
This special report takes you inside the CIA’s training program.

And could be a life-saving resource if you’re caught out in the wild.

The strategies revealed in “The CIA Survival Manual”...

Teach you how to survive in even the most hostile of environments…

Even if you’re stranded with no supplies or gear.

Here’s what’s waiting for you inside: (This is a screenshot from the manual)
In the past, the only way to get your hands on this insider information…

Was to join the CIA.

But “The CIA Survival Manual” is my gift to you today, free.

When you get your own free copy of “The CIA Field Manual” in a few minutes.

You can read it right on your computer.

But I suggest printing out a copy…

In fact, you might want to consider printing multiple copies…

To keep in your pocket, car, bug out bag…

Or wherever you might need it in future.

So, let’s review everything you’re getting today…

The complete Gamma Bomb Survival Pack…

With these 3 resources:

#1. “Aftermath: A Survival Guide to America’s Apocalypse” survival manual

#2. “Inside My Ultimate Survival Vault” video

#3. “Alpha Tactics: Turn the Tables on Any Attacker” video

Plus your FREE bonus gift:

“The CIA Survival Manual”
Now it’s time for YOU to make a decision.

The way I see it, you’re at a crossroads.

One road is to do nothing.

You can try your best to ignore what you learned today.

You can go on hoping you’re safe here in America.

Believing America’s enemies won’t use their new superweapons against us…

That you’ll always have lights, heat, TV, internet…

And all the food you can eat…

That the police will always be just a phone call away.

That your family will stay protected...

And I pray you’ll be ok.

But I don’t think that’s the road you’ll take.

You’re way too smart for that.

That’s why…

You recognize the truth of my words here today…

And you’ll take the second road.

This road leads to a very different path…

It makes YOU prepared for the aftermath…

It makes YOU the leader your family and friends will turn to…

It makes YOU the alpha in any situation...

And, when it’s necessary to protect what’s yours…

It makes YOU the predator, not the prey.

So you’ll never be helpless.

Are you ready?

So, go ahead and click the button below now...

And claim your own personal copy of the Gamma Bomb Survival Pack…

Of course, you are always completely protected…

With a full 12-month, 100% money-back guarantee.

If you’re not happy for any reason at all…

I’ll gladly refund every penny you paid.

You have nothing to lose.

And so much peace of mind to gain.

Go ahead and click the button below now and I’ll see you on the other side.
Again, I’m Jason Hanson.

Thank you for spending this time with me today.
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