“There will be so much blood, he will choke on it.”
“A White Supremacist Jumped Me In Prison… I Destroyed Him With THIS Brutal Fighting Move”
Controversial “Blackout” move turned a skinny 5’ 7” teenager into top dog of a supermax prison. Here’s how to do it. *Use in self-defense only.
“Last week whilst taking my mother to France for Xmas (We are still here) she accidentally locked and padlocked her case with the keys inside. Anyway I had a go and remembering a video of yours I watched… I tensioned the lock, raked the pins and then jiggled them. "Snick". The lock came open. And my mother was VERY happy! Thank you for your help and for making my Mum, not only happy but a little bit proud of me too!”                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        ~ Michael Robary, London, England  

Something slammed into my skull…

Three times, quick…

I turned around.

Standing inside my cell…

Swinging a chain with a heavy padlock…

Now dripping my blood…

Was the leader of a white supremacist gang.

He’d just transferred in from a California prison…

Earlier, he had come up to me in the cafeteria…

Snarling insults and threats...

He wanted to make a name for himself
by challenging the prison’s alpha dog.
That was me.

At the time, I laughed…

And said I’d see him later.

I figured I could set things straight…

Without needing to fight.

Fighting gets you a week in the hole.

Maybe more.

I thought we could just talk it out instead.

Guess he wasn’t too interested in talking...

Because there he was…

Inside my cell…

Ugly as sin.
Tattoos head to toe…

Long greasy beard…

Bloodshot eyes cold with hate…

But I’ll give him this much…

Dude was jacked.

His arms were thick and veiny from the prison weight stack…

This thug had clearly lived a life of violence.

As for me…

I was 19.

Doing 6 years for robbery.

I’m 5’ 7” tall.

Maybe 170 pounds.

I guess he figured I wouldn’t be much trouble.

He was wrong.

The dirtbag went to hit me again with the padlock…

He never got the chance.

You see…

There’s a reason that…

Despite my small size…

And the fact I was still basically a kid.

I never lost a fight in prison.

I took on inmates of every size, color, and crime…

Doling out punishment…

On murderers, rapists, gang members, and psychopaths.

I was challenged by prisoners who spent all day lifting weights.

These guys were so big they looked like cartoon superheroes…

But they all went down like chumps.

Some came at me with shanks…

Or other improvised weapons…

But I never used one.

I didn’t need to.

I already owned the most powerful weapon there is.

I’m talking about the Blackout.

The Blackout is a devastating fighting move.

That’s because it does something unique…

The Blackout is a “Pain Amplifier”

In a prison brawl…

Even a trained fighter will most likely be dead meat…

Because your attacker will be violent, unhinged…

Maybe psychotic…

He won’t have any honor…

Or human decency…


He’ll have nothing to lose.

That’s why….

You need to hurt him so much…

And so quickly…

That it cuts through his adrenaline and aggression.

And turns the tables…


That’s what the Blackout does.

That’s what makes it virtually unstoppable.

Really, the Blackout is 2 moves…

Done back-to-back…


And it’s over.


Here’s how bad it will be for him…

The first Blackout strike causes instant, extreme pain…

That’s because…

It targets a biological “panic point” on the face…

Packed with nerve endings…

With the pain comes massive, uncontrolled bleeding.

There will be so much blood…
He will often choke on it.

Not only that…

His eyes will water…

He won’t be able to see…

He may already start to go unconscious at this point…

The trauma will be so overwhelming, that…

After just the first Blackout move…

Your opponent will not want to continue.

Maybe you’ll grant him that mercy…

Good for you if you do.

But the fact is…

If you let him off now…

You could still be in danger.

He started this.

He deserves what’s coming next…

It’s about to get much worse…

Your second Blackout move hits a different “panic point”…

This time on his body.

The pain ramps up TENFOLD…

Your attacker won’t be able to fight back.

Overwhelmed with pain, fear, and regret…

He will be blind to anything
but escaping from YOU

His finisher…

The Alpha in the room.

To be clear…

The Blackout isn’t pretty.

Some might even say…

It’s not “honorable” to use a move so brutal.

But the Blackout isn’t for martial arts competitions…

It isn’t for exhibition fights…

If your life is in danger…

And you need to destroy someone who is trying to kill you…

Use the Blackout.

Which brings me back to my story…

Inside my cell…

This white supremacist goes for me again with the bloody padlock…

But I’m facing him now.

I lay into him with the full Blackout.

I don’t hold anything back.

Both moves…

1-2, 1-2…

Immediately this hardened criminal…

A gang leader who’d won numerous fights in his life…

Is on his heels.

He doesn’t know what’s going on.

He’s backpedaling…

Trying to get away from me…

To escape from my cell.

I don’t let him leave.

1-2, 1-2…

Wave upon wave of Blackout strikes have him bleeding, flailing…

He tries to fight back…

But he’s disoriented…

And in way too much pain.

I don’t take another hit in the fight…

Less than one minute after he’d entered my cell…

Thinking I’d be his next victim…

He is on the ground…


Eyes swollen shut…

Unable to stand…

Thanks to the Blackout…

I completely destroyed his face and body.

Now I’m standing over him…

This is it,’ I think.

He attacked ME from behind…

And with a weapon.

I can END this animal.

He came into my cell to kill me…

It will be self-defense!

There is a desk bolted to the floor of our cells.

The corners of the desk were metal…

If I slam his face down on that corner a few times…

I won’t have to worry about him taking revenge later.

And I won’t even get in trouble…

I grab him by the dirty hair on the back of his head…

I lift his face over the corner of the desk…

I’m ready to end his worthless life.

But something unexpected happened…

I’m Bam.

“Bam” is my prison nickname…

Though I still go by it…

The story you just heard was from my time inside.

In a moment…

You’ll see the surprising way it ended…

I’ll also explain why I’m not using my real name.

(And I’ll reveal the very disturbing way I earned my prison nickname.)

But I’m going to show you something much more important than that.

For the first time ever…

You’ll see my Blackout fighting move in action.

And I’ll show you how to do it.

Just keep reading and…

Today, YOU will own the same move
that turned a 5’ 7” teenager into a prison top dog

I spent 6 years inside…

Surrounded every single day…

By murderers, rapists, child molesters, psychopaths…

Even a couple serial killers…

But I’m no one’s victim.

Just a few weeks after being locked up…

I was already the prison alpha.

That made me a target.

Any inmate wanting to prove his toughness came at me.

Gang members, murderers, muscled up street thugs…

The worst of the worst.

They all challenged this 5’ 7” kid.

They all thought they’d destroy me…

Thanks to the Blackout move…

I never lost a fight inside.

Not even when 3 inmates jumped me.

The ringleader had a shank…

I dropped all 3.

I need to warn you…
What you’re about to see isn’t for the weak.

I’m not going to hold anything back.

You see, I may be an ex-con…

But I’m no dummy.

The warden even complimented me on my test scores.

I wouldn’t say I was a much of a student…

But I know a lot about one subject:

No-holds-barred street fighting.

You might even say…

I have a PhD in pain.

Today, I own 7 world fighting championships…

In 2012, I was inducted into the United States Martial Arts Hall of Fame…

But I started fighting 40 years ago…

As a tough, hyper little kid…

With no dad at home…

And a mom too busy trying to keep a roof over our heads…

To pay much attention to what I was doing after school…

By the time I was 16…

I was running the back alleys of St. Louis…
Often fighting several guys at once.

That’s when I first developed the Blackout.

I needed an opening move so brutal…

It would render my first attacker helpless…

So, I could turn my attention to the next guy…

And the next guy…

And so on.

1-2, 1-2…

It’s the instant destruction that makes the Blackout different…

And better than other fighting moves out there.

You see, as I mentioned earlier…

My Blackout move is a “pain amplifier”.

It targets 2 anatomical “panic points”…

One on the face…

One on the body.

That means it uses your attacker’s own biology…

To create maximum pain and fear.

It’s kind of diabolical, I know.

But there’s more…

Because it targets these biological “panic points”…

The Blackout does NOT require much strength or speed.

In fact, you won’t throw a single punch.

I’ll tell you more about that in a moment…

But the bottom line is…

If you can stand and move…

Regardless of your age or physical condition…
You can use the Blackout to destroy anyone.

That’s why it’s the most effective fighting move I’ve ever seen.

But I do want to stress one thing…

If you continue reading this…

I ask that you use what you’ll learn here…

Only when you’re unable to avoid a confrontation...

And only if you or a loved one is in danger.

The Blackout move isn’t for a scrap over a parking space…

It may even be considered lethal force.

Please, use it only when absolutely necessary.

Are you ready to see it in action?

I developed the Blackout to be both easy to do…

And extremely harmful to your attacker.

When I got myself locked up at 18…

I needed it to be.

Imagine going into a supermax prison
And hearing the door clank as you’re locked inside.

You walk out into the yard for the first time…

All around you are 20-foot chain link fences…

Topped with razor wire…

The yard is wall to wall with depraved criminals…

Murderers, gangbangers, child molesters, rapists…

These animals’ prey on the weak…

Now, they’re all looking at you…

Calling out…

Seeing how you’ll react…

Do you shrink away…

Or stand tall?

Inside, your reputation is everything.

That’s why the most violent inmates…

Are fighting and killing to become the prison’s alpha dog…

They’ll do anything to be king of that mountain…

Like waiting until you’re washing your face in the shower…

When your eyes are closed…

And then jamming a shank in your neck…

Or when you’re bench-pressing at the weight pile…

Pushing up hundreds of pounds of steel…

Someone might decide to slam a 75 lb. dumbbell in your gut…

So, that your arms give out…

And all that weight comes down on your face…

Prison is the most dangerous place I’ve ever been.

But during my time inside…

I was top dog.

The most violent, depraved killers…

They all feared ME.

Thanks to the Blackout.

Even at just 19 years old and 5’ 7”
I destroyed inmate after inmate.

Though many tried...

No one could take me out.

When I was 18…

I made a very bad decision.

I robbed a convenience store.

I make no excuses for what I did.

I deserved to be punished.

And I was.

I paid my debt to society.

Six hard years inside.


I wonder if the six years were harder on me…

Or the other inmates?

You know that movie quote…

“You don’t seem to understand.
I’m not locked in here with you...
YOU’RE locked in here with ME.”

That’s the way I felt.

And I backed it up.

I put a beat down on everyone who tried to attack and kill me.

The thing is…

I don’t go looking to fight.


I try to show respect to everyone around me.

I don’t talk loudly.

I don’t brag.

I don’t even swear.

But if there’s one thing I’ve learned in our country today…

There are a lot of people out there looking to hurt someone.

And if I’m cornered…

If I can’t just walk away…

I want to be a BEAST.

I want that person to regret…

Thinking for even one second, I’d be his victim.

By reading this far…

I have a feeling you’re the same kind of person.

And that’s why I’m going to show you the Blackout.

Knowing the Blackout changes everything.

You’ll walk taller, more confidently…

You won’t go looking to fight…
But you won’t turn away either.

Even if you’re older than your attacker…

Even if he’s bigger, stronger…

Or there’s more than one punk challenging you.

You’ll have the Blackout.

And they won’t.

Let me show you everything right now…

When I got out of prison…

I turned my life around…

I opened a martial arts school…

And ran security for celebrities and famous musicians…

But I never stopped fighting.

God gave me a gift…

But this time I used it as a professional…

I earned 7 MMA titles,
including 2 world championships.

Then I joined the UFC…

Where I hold a 14-4 record…

With 80% of my wins by knockout…

But maybe you’re asking…

“If you’re such a fighting legend…

Why do you have 4 losses?”


At the end of the day…

UFC is a sport.

That means – unlike in prison or on the streets…

You have to play by the rules.

And here’s the thing…

The Blackout move is illegal in the UFC or mixed martial arts bouts.

It causes too much damage.

And it’s too brutal for television.

The Blackout is for when there are no rules.
When no one is coming to help you.

Like walking through a park at night…

And a mugger tries to take what’s yours.

Or someone enters your home…

And he’s between you and your guns.

(He may end up preferring you’d shot him instead.)

Or some drunk moron gets in your wife’s face…

And won’t let it go…

Or an antifa protestor decides you look like an easy target…

He’ll wish he was never born.

But you need the Blackout MOST…

When you’re facing a life-or-death situation.

Like in prison.

But you don’t have to be in prison to need the Blackout.

Friend, I don’t need to tell you…

America’s streets are now a cesspool of crime.

Our inner cities are as murderous as those in Colombia, Mexico, or South Africa.

There are neighborhoods in American cities so crime-ridden…

…the US postal service will no longer enter them.

And recently, the television show Good Morning America…

…was scheduled to film an early morning segment in downtown San Francisco.

They had to change their plans…

The area was too dangerous for their film crew.

This is America?

It’s insane.

Police are afraid to do their jobs for fear of backlash…

Murders and assaults are spiking…

Our cities are like war zones…

Now crime is spreading like a cancer out to our towns and suburbs.

This might not be the country you grew up with…

But it’s the one you’re living in now.

In America today, no one is safe from violent attack.

And it’s not going to get better soon.

Consider this message a Call to Arms.

We need good Americans to stand up…

Be ready to fight when necessary…

And take back our streets.

I realize you might be a gun owner…

And if I were you, I would definitely carry a firearm whenever it’s safe and legal to do so.


There are times you will be unarmed in public…

Plus, the number of home invasions is on the rise…

You may not always have a weapon at hand.

That’s exactly why I sent you this message today.

There’s one way you’ll always have a weapon…

I’m talking about the Blackout move.

That will take down any attacker… instantly.

And send him sprawling to the ground.

Writhing in pain and fear…

The entire altercation will be over in about 6 seconds.

Every good American needs this weapon in his arsenal.

Best of all…

You don’t need any martial arts training or military background.

The Blackout move can be done by almost anyone…

Even if you’re older or have physical limitations.

(Your wife or daughter can do it, too.)

Instead of strength or speed…

The Blackout targets 2 “panic points” on the body…

That are like a biological “off switch” for your attacker.

Ask yourself…

If the worst happens…

If some thug or home invader wants what’s yours…

Will you be prey?

Or will YOU become the predator?

Just knowing the Blackout changes your entire outlook.


Whether you’re armed or not…

You’ll be in control.

You’ll calmly face dangerous situations…

You’ll stare down street punks with no fear…


You now hold a devastating fighting move.

Let some street thug shout and threaten…

You can laugh and just keep walking…


If he puts a hand on you, it’s over for him.
That’s what knowing the Blackout means.

Remember I said I’d tell you how I got the nickname “Bam”?

Prepare yourself…

Because this story is disturbing.

In prison, every inmate is given a job.

I worked in the kitchens…

One night, we’re preparing pork rolls for dinner.

I walk into the back storage area to get the rolls.

And I see one of the other kitchen workers…

I recognize him as an inmate in for child molestation.

We called them “chi-mo’s” inside.

And they were considered the lowest of the low.

For good reason.

I see this chi-mo standing over the food we’ve prepared…

He’s acting kind of strange…

And I suddenly realize something repulsive…

This piece of human trash is “pleasuring himself” with the pork rolls…

I yell at him to stop.

Now he’s mad he got interrupted.

The sicko comes at me…

Big mistake.


The Blackout does its job...
The disgusting chi-mo is instantly unconscious.

After that…

Word gets around the prison…

How I took out this sick chi-mo with one hit…


And my nickname was born: Bam.

But that incident underscores one thing…

You never know when you’ll need the Blackout.

Even though I was in prison…

I never expected to be attacked in the kitchens…

With other workers just a few feet away…

And that’s the truth about our society today…

No matter where you are…

No matter how careful you’re being…

You could be attacked.

Any time.

And if that happens…

You can fight and win…

Or you can lose…

And face pain and injury…

Or possibly die.

When the “stuff” hits the fan…

You need the Blackout move.

I developed the Blackout after dozens of lawless street fights.

I wanted to create the most violent opening move imaginable.

Something that required very little fighting experience…

Could be done in close quarters…

And would end a confrontation almost instantly.

That’s what I did.

The Blackout is my most devastating move

The Blackout is a fight ender.

It’s designed to be almost impossible to block.

It creates instant pain…

And massive physical and emotional trauma.

It fills your attacker with fear and regret…

Today, for the first time ever…

I’m going to teach it to you.

It doesn’t matter how old you are…

What kind of shape you’re in…

Or whether you’ve ever been in a fight before.

If you can stand and move…

The Blackout will work for you.

When you unleash the Blackout on your attacker…

You’ll target two biological “panic points”…

No one can overcome their own anatomy.

When those two “panic points” are hit…

The toughest guy in town can’t fight through it…

The pain will be so intense…

He’ll panic.

He’ll regret ever messing with you.

And he’ll be desperate to get away.

It’s up to you if you let him or not.

Today, the Blackout will become
 part of your own personal arsenal.

I’m going to show you exactly how to do it…

But, at this point…

Are you wondering why I’m giving this away today?

After all, the Blackout is my move…

Why let anyone else in on it?


Because I believe God has a plan for me on this earth.

And it isn’t to be a predator.

It’s to be a protector.

Let me show you what I mean…

Remember the gruesome fight in my prison cell…

Against the white supremacist gang leader who’d attacked me with a padlock to my head?

I said I’d show you how it ended.

When we left off…

I am holding this thug by his bloody hair…

Ready to slam his face down on the sharp metal edge of the desk in my cell…

Over and over…

Until he’s gone.

After all, he attacked me with a weapon.

Maybe he was planning to kill me.

But, as I stood over him…

Something changed in me.

All I could see was a hurt human being.

A soul that needed saving.

And all my anger disappeared.

I set him down…

And asked him if he could get back to his cell.

He said he couldn’t walk.

His mouth was full of blood…

And his voice was weak.

I’d hurt him pretty bad.

The Blackout does that.

So, I helped him up and carried him back to his cell.

As I put him down on his bunk…

He said thank you.

Not sure if it was for getting him back to his cell…

Or maybe because I hadn’t killed him.

Either way, we both got in trouble for fighting…

But we ended up becoming friends after that.

And, for one of the first times in my life…

I did the right thing.

I didn’t want to be a predator...

I wanted to be a protector.

So, did I stop fighting?

Heck no.

God gave me a gift.

I used it whenever I needed to…

Both in prison and after I got out.

And I still do.


I never go looking for a fight.

I am never the aggressor.

I try to talk it out if I can…

I’m a peacemaker.

I was even given an Indian peace pipe.

The Seven Nations had to meet to agree I was the right person to hold it.

It was a great honor.

I have it still.

I’m very proud of it.

And I’m very proud of this…

Today, I’m going to personally show you…
How to do the Blackout move.

I want every good American patriot to be able to walk your streets without worry…

Knowing you’re always protected…

And knowing you, in turn…

Can always protect your wife and loved ones…

That’s why I’m going to send you a full video of me…

Showing you, step-by-step…

Exactly how to do the Blackout move.

I’ve called the video “Blackout in Action”…

Today, I’m going to send you your own copy of this video…


I’m serious – that’s not a typo.

I’ll explain how to claim your free video in a moment…

But let me first show you exactly what you’re getting today…

In “Blackout in Action” you’ll see me in explosive action…

Going step-by-step through the full Blackout move…

First slowly…

Then at full speed.

You’ll see everything you need to know.

Including the devastating first strike…

Targeting a biological “panic point” in the face…

Leaving your attacker reeling in pain…

And choking on his own blood.


You’ll see the brutal finishing move…

Targeting the second “panic point” on the body…

Which ramps up the pain tenfold…

Leaving him unable to continue.

What you do then is up to you.

After just a few repetitions…

You’ll have the most dangerous fight move.

As I said before, it’s surprisingly easy to do.

Learning the Blackout should take just a few minutes.


Just because it’s easy to learn…
Does not mean it’s safe to use.

The Blackout is very dangerous to your attacker.


I ask you use the Blackout only in self-defense…

Use it when you have no other options.

In your new video “Blackout in Action…

You’ll see exactly how to do the full move yourself…

Taught personally by me…

The 5’ 7” former top dog of a supermax prison.

But that’s not all you’re getting.

In addition to demonstrating the full Blackout move…

I also included 2 bonus moves in your new video.

If you want to make the Blackout even more devastating…

Imagine if your attacker can’t see you?

That’s why I’m including a BONUS move…

That blinds your attacker.

I call it Lights Out.

I call Lights Out a “pre-move” because…

When you hit him with this move FIRST…

He’ll be blinded…

And in pain…

He’ll put his hands up to his eyes…

He won’t be thinking about attacking you anymore…

And that means he’s defenseless to what’s coming next…

The Blackout.

In your new video “Blackout in Action”…

You’ll also see, step-by-step…

How to use my Lights Out “pre-move”…

To blind your opponent…

And leave him defenseless to your Blackout attack…

But that’s not all you’re getting…

In your new “Blackout in Action” video…

I also demonstrate the Whiplash.

The Whiplash is a nasty fighting move…

Specifically designed to turn the tables…

When someone attacks you from behind.

You won’t always see an attack coming…

If someone puts their hands on you…

When your back is turned…

Unleash the Whiplash…

He’ll be forced to move back from you…
Holding his head and neck in pain.

That will give you the time and space necessary…

To finish him with the Blackout.

1-2, 1-2…

And it’s over.

Today, you’re getting step-by-step instruction…

On all 3 devastating fighting moves…

Move #1: The devastating Blackout that targets 2 biological “panic points” to instantly devastate any opponent…

Move #2: The nasty Lights Out “pre-move” that blinds your opponent…

Move #3: The brutal Whiplash that turns the tables if you’re attacked from behind…

Just days ago…

I personally filmed “Blackout in Action” for you…

And I am going to send a copy to you today.

So that you’re prepared to dominate any violent altercation…

With fear replaced by calm and total confidence.

Be honest…

How much would you pay to own this ability?

The ability to control any situation…

Any attacker…

At any time?

I normally charge people a small fortune…

To train them in self-defense fighting skills…

And for the peace of mind…

For the confidence…

For the lack of fear in any situation…

Ask yourself…

What would you pay for all that?




I think it would be a bargain at any of those prices.

But you won’t pay a thousand bucks…

Or even hundreds.

Right now…

I’m going to gift you
the full “Blackout in Action” video FREE.

I’m serious.

A moment from now…

I’m going to send you the complete “Blackout in Action” video…

Demonstrating step-by-step how to do:

Move #1: The Blackout – The ultimate fighting move to instantly devastate any opponent

Move #2: The Lights Out – Blind your opponent with this nasty “pre-move”

Move #3: The Whiplash – Instantly turn the tables if you’re attacked from behind

And I don’t want you to pay me a penny for any of this.

I’d like you to accept your new video as my gift to you…

All I ask of you in return is…

You try out a copy of my uncensored new book:
Prison Rules: An Ex-Con’s Guide to Surviving Sudden Violence

When I wrote “Prison Rules”…

I held nothing back.

If you think you understand crime and violence now…

This book will open your eyes.

For the first time anywhere…

I’m telling you how it really goes down out on the streets…

Exactly how YOU can avoid ever being a victim...

And, instead, how you will now…

Turn the tables on anyone who messes with you.

Truth is, don’t think of “Prison Rules” as a book.

Instead, think of it as…

An uncensored street fighting survival manual.

“Prison Rules” is your guide to extreme violence…
From a criminal perspective.

Inside, you’ll find every fighting secret I’ve learned…

Over more than 30 years of violence…

I show you the skills and tactics I’ve used to dominate fights…

From city street brawls…

To prison attacks…

To MMA and UFC bouts against trained professionals…

“Prison Rules” was specifically written…

To make YOU the alpha dog of your town.

After what “Prison Rules” shows you about real violence…

Your local city streets will seem like a child’s playground.

Here are a few things you’ll find inside your own copy of…

Prison Rules: An Ex-Con’s Guide to Surviving Sudden Violence

For example…

How would you like to disarm any thug who pulls a weapon on you?

That’s why, you’ll learn…

How to take a gun off anyone.

Imagine this…

It’s the middle of the night…

You’re asleep in bed when…

The sound of breaking glass startles you awake…

You think the dog must have broken a vase…

So, you stumble downstairs, half asleep…

And without a weapon.

You walk into the living room…

There’s someone standing in the shadows…
You see the glint of a gun barrel pointing at you.

This is no robber…

This is someone who means you and your family real harm.

What do you do?

Do you freeze and die?

Or do you take that gun away?

If someone has a gun on you…

And you can’t move to safety…

You need…

The one specific move that will take that gun away.

I show you how to do it in your copy of “Prison Rules”…

Then, later in the book... 

You’ll learn how to destroy multiple attackers.

I’ve been in many street and prison brawls…

Where I faced 2, 3, 4, or even more attackers…

And won.


There’s one way to handle these dangerous situations.

Get it wrong and you’re in big trouble.

Here’s one tip:

If you can’t escape…

Make the first move.

This is the perfect time to use the Blackout.

It was designed for these situations.

I’ll show you exactly what to do…

For example, which attacker to go after first.

Who to go for second…

And so on…

That’s just the start of what you’ll get...

In the middle of the “Prison Rules” book…

You’ll see how to dominate…
When someone attacks you with a blade.

If someone comes at you with a knife…

There’s one thing to know:

You’ll probably still get cut.

But there are surprisingly easy defenses…

That can dramatically limit the damage you’ll take…

And potentially save your life.

I show you exactly what to do…

Then, you’ll see…

How to take a knife off someone…

Imagine your attacker’s dismay when he comes at you with a knife…

And suddenly you’re the one holding it!

I’ll also show you how to avoid the biggest mistake people make…

When someone attacks them with a knife.

If you make this one mistake…

You’re gonna end up full of holes.

Then, you’ll see how to use a knife to take down any attacker.

I usually carry a knife on me when I go out…

A knife is easy to conceal…

And, if you know what you’re doing…

A lethal weapon.

But if you don’t know how to fight with a knife…

You could end up hurting yourself…

Or even losing the knife to your attacker.

For example…

In a fight, most people hold a knife wrong.

There’s one knife grip I recommend above all others.

It allows for a secure grip…

And for you to inflict severe trauma.

That’s why, one of my favorite pages is when...

I show you how to dominate a fight with a knife.

Here’s one tip:

Stab “between the bones” for maximum carnage.

That’s still just the start of what you’re getting in “Prison Rules”…

You’ll also find exclusive defense and fighting tips like:
  • Tell your wife or daughter this surprising 4-word phrase if she’s ever attacked. Don’t worry, she’ll be fine, which is more than I can say for her attacker.
  • The 2 things I always carry on me when I leave the house.
  • How to use a toothbrush as an impromptu weapon – just like prisoners do.
  • ​An easy way to turn a simple house key into a cruel weapon.
  • ​The 3 “magic phrases” that get you out of almost any altercation.
  • Walk “this way” to avoid an attack.
  • ​The “killer” mindset that will erase any fear of violence.
You’ll also get some of my most brutal prison stories throughout…

Like when I was attacked by 3 prisoners at once…

And one of them had a knife…

Or when I was sent down to the “pink cell”…

Locked in with the true psychopaths and serial killers…

Including a 14-year-old kid who had gunned down his entire family.

That’s still just the start of what you’ll get.

Prison Rules: An Ex-Con’s Guide to Surviving Sudden Violence

Is chock full of true insider tactics…

For dominating any violent situation…

Whether you’re at home…

At a restaurant or bar…

Or on the street…

Plus, people ask me all the time what it’s really like in prison…

So I decided to expose the ugly truth about life on the inside…

By including bonus chapters for you with…

The uncensored secrets to surviving prison. 

In your “Prison Rules” BONUS chapters, you’ll learn…
  • How to survive your first night inside.
  • Why your attractive wife or daughter should never visit you. The danger starts AFTER they leave. (Warning: This is unsettling.)
  • ​Why you shouldn’t tell any inmate your family members’ real names
  • ​Why to never send mail to a loved one’s home
  • The 3 places in prison you’re most likely to be attacked – and the best ways to avoid becoming a target.
  • The one tip-off that your cellmate might hurt you. And how to protect yourself.
  • How to sleep safely. Inside, you’re not even safe in your cell. Here’s how to avoid an attack at night.
  • Who to befriend while you’re inside. It’s important to know who you can trust. But even more importantly, you’ll learn…
  • Who to NEVER befriend in prison. There are two types of people you should never befriend, no matter how helpful they seem. You’ll regret it if you do.
  • How to avoid eating tampered-with food or drink. Earlier, I told you about the chi-mo doing something disgusting to the pork rolls. That stuff happens all the time inside.
  • ​The biggest risk in prison you won’t see coming. There’s one easy mistake a lot of prison newbies make – and it could be fatal.
  • The one piece of personal information you should never tell anyone. Ever. This might be my most important tip. Get it wrong and it could be over for you.
  • The most useful prison slang. Like “Going to see the eyes of God” means someone is going to beat you half to death. I share all the best, including those I can’t print here.
When you get my book Prison Rules: An Ex-Con’s Guide to Surviving Sudden Violence…

You’ll be fully prepared for situations of extreme violence…

No one else has seen what I have.

I was alpha dog of a supermax prison.

Thanks to “Prison Rules” you’ll know what I know, and…

You’ll share the same bold confidence…

The same ability to walk into any situation…

Knowing you’re in control…

But, just in case you’re not sure you need this extreme level of self-defense…

You can try my new book with ZERO risk.

I’m serious.

When your copy of “Prison Rules” arrives…

Read it cover to cover…

Take your time…

You have a full 12 months to decide.

Then, if you don’t find “Prison Rules” to be…

The best self-defense and fighting tool you’ve ever owned…

Just request a no-questions-asked refund.

There’s more…

Because I’ll also send you…

As a free bonus gift…

“The Blackout in Action” video…

Where I show you, step-by-step…

How to do the Blackout…

The 2-move attack that will devastate any opponent…


He’s out.
But that’s still not all I have for you today.

Because I want you to be able to handle ANY situation…


At any time.

And my nastiest fighting moves…

Are best demonstrated LIVE.

That’s why I shot you 4 more FREE bonus videos…

Showing you, step by step…

The fighting and defense moves…

You need if someone comes at you with a knife…

Or sticks a gun in your face in a deserted parking lot…

Or is prowling around your yard after dark…

Along with your bonus video #1: “Blackout in Action”

I’m going to send you ALL of these videos FREE today…

When you agree to try out a copy of my new “Prison Rules” book

Here’s exactly what you’re getting in your additional free bonus videos…

FREE bonus video #2: “Gun Disarms in Action”

In this video, I show you…
  • What to say immediately if someone pulls a gun on you (this is surprising)…
  • The “slap-boom” technique for disarming someone holding a gun in one hand…
  • ​The “snatch, duck, step” technique if he has both hands on his gun… 

This one is nasty, because if his gun goes off…
The punk will shoot himself.

And break his trigger finger in the process.

Plus, if someone sticks a gun in your back…

You’ll get the “turn and hook” technique for taking that gun away…

And that’s still just the start of what your new gun disarms video covers...

Then, you’ll get your…

FREE bonus video #3: “Knife Fights in Action”

In this raw video, you’ll see exactly…

How to turn the tables on any criminal…

Who comes at you with a blade, including…
  • How create space between you and a knife attacker…
  • ​How to move into “knife defense position”
  • ​How to protect against stabs using your clothing or a cap…
  • ​How to use the “Victory V” move to block an attack…
And so much more…

Then, you’ll also get…

FREE bonus video #4: “Home Weaponry in Action”

This is one of my favorites.

In this short video…

I show you how to turn a household object…

Something I guarantee is always at hand…

Into a deadly weapon.

This item is so common and “innocent”…

You can take it anywhere…

Even on a plane.

I guarantee you…

Your attacker won’t flinch when you pull out this household object…

But he sure will…

When you’re skillfully destroying him with it.

Finally, you’ll also get…

FREE bonus video #5: “Street Fights in Action”

This is my most comprehensive fighting video.

In this explosive video…

You’ll see more step-by-step street-fighting techniques…

These moves are devastating to an attacker…
But they are all accessible to anyone.

I even include some older Americans in the training video…

To demonstrate how anyone can do these potent attack moves.

Of course, with the Blackout…

You may never need these moves.

But if you’re looking to add more weapons to your arsenal…

Including several nasty moves that can’t be blocked…

You’ll find them all here.

You’ll also see me demonstrate “grab escapes”.


How to escape if an attacker grabs you by the wrist, and…

How to escape if an attacker smothers you in a bear hug…

This video is uncensored and violent.

Street fights aren’t like they are in the movies…

With people dancing around…

And throwing fancy strikes and kicks.

Real fights are brutal, ugly…

And usually over in seconds.

When someone makes you a target…

How will it go down for you?

Did your attacker choose the right victim?
Or did he make a bad mistake?

To answer that question, you may want to…

Watch your new “Street Fights in Action” video first.

But you decide where you want to start…

Because today…

All 5 videos…

Bonus video #1: “The Blackout in Action”

Bonus video #2: “Gun Disarms in Action”

Bonus video #3: “Knife Fights in Action”

Bonus video #4: “Home Weaponry in Action”

Bonus video #5: “Street Fights in Action”

Are yours FREE when you agree to give my new book…

Prison Rules: An Ex-Con’s Guide to Surviving Sudden Violence…

A risk-free try today.
And there’s one more thing you’ll get when you do…

My full name.

If you’re wondering…

Why I used my prison nickname “Bam” in this letter…

Instead of my real name…

There’s a simple reason for that.

I’m a very private person.

I’m not seeking publicity.

And I don’t care much about riches.

I’m doing all this today as a public service…

To help good Americans take a stand
against the violent animals out there…

In our cities…

Our towns…

And even your own neighborhood.

I couldn’t care less about being famous…

I’m an expert on personal defense…

Not a writer or salesperson…

In fact, when I decided to write Prison Rules: An Ex-Con’s Guide to Surviving Sudden Violence…

I didn’t even know how to get it to you.

Luckily, my friend Jason Hanson stepped up…

Jason is a former CIA Officer.

He won the CIA’s Exceptional Performance Award…

You might even have heard of him before…

Jason has appeared on…

Shark Tank, Fox News, Good Morning America, and more…

Here’s a clip of him on TV.
These days, Jason offers advanced personal defense training…

And bodyguarding services for high-risk targets.

That’s how I know him.

But Jason does something else as well.

He owns a publishing company for American patriots…

Jason has written several books himself…

Including the New York Times bestseller, “Spy Secrets That Can Save Your Life”…

Now, he helps other good Americans get published…
When I told him that I wanted…

To share my brutal Blackout move for the first time…

To teach the fighting skills I’ve learned to good Americans like you…

To help patriots defend themselves against the animals out on the streets…

Jason immediately agreed to make it happen.

That’s why I’ve partnered with him…

To get my new book…

And all 5 free bonus gifts…

Into YOUR hands today.

In your new uncensored book…

Prison Rules: An Ex-Con’s Guide to Surviving Sudden Violence.

You’ll get insider strategies for doling out extreme violence…

On anyone who threatens you or your family…

From someone who’s seen the very worst our society has to offer.

Then, in your 5 FREE videos…

Bonus video #1: “The Blackout in Action”

Bonus video #2: “Gun Disarms in Action”

Bonus video #3: “Knife Fights in Action”

Bonus video #4: “Home Weaponry in Action”

Bonus video #5: “Street Fights in Action”
You’ll see it all in live, explosive action.

You’ll get step-by-step instruction on doing the Blackout…

The fighting move that instantly creates so much pain and blood…

Your attacker will refuse to continue.

As well as my personal instruction…

On moves to disarm someone with a gun or knife…

How to escape if someone grabs you…

How to turn an “innocent” item you can take on a plane into a lethal weapon.

And how to add to your arsenal with brutal fighting moves that can’t be blocked…

Friend, if you want little-known fighting and defense skills…

That will make you a HERO to your family…
And a BEAST to anyone who crosses you…

You must claim your new book…

And full gift set of videos today.

We’re asking a small price for your book…

I think it’s very fair when you consider the overwhelming value you’re getting…

But you don’t have to take my word for it.

You have 12 full months to review your book and 5 free videos…

And, if you don’t think the full set is worth at least 10X what you paid…

I insist you request a full refund…

No questions asked.


You always keep your book…

And your 5 bonus videos…

No matter what.

Even if you refund.

Let me repeat that.

If you aren’t satisfied…

And choose to claim a full refund…

You KEEP your book and all 5 videos.

You don’t need to return anything.

It doesn’t get any fairer than that, does it?

You have nothing to lose.

And a lifetime of confidence and personal security to gain.

Are you ready?

Ready to know the Blackout…

The fighting move that’s a “Pain Amplifier”…

Targeting two “panic points” on the body…

To create maximum pain and carnage?

It’s the vicious move that helped me,
at 5’ 7” and just 19 years old…
Become top dog of a supermax prison.

Plus, you’ll get all my best fighting and defense secrets…

So, you’re prepared to walk into any situation…

With total control and confidence.
But, before you decide…

It’s about to get even better…

We have something else for you today…

And you can thank former CIA Officer Jason Hanson for this one…

Jason wanted to make sure there was no reason…

Every good American couldn’t take advantage of this one-time opportunity…

To get the Blackout…

And all my fighting and defense tactics…

So, Jason decided to make the deal a no-brainer…

By including another bonus gift for you today.

You’re also going to get the infamous book…

“The Big Bloody Book of Violence”


Your copy of “The Big Bloody Book of Violence”…

Was written by use-of-force specialist, martial artist, and…

Self-defense expert, Lawrence A. Kane…

And Kris Wilder…

A Board-Certified Coach and martial arts expert…

Who was inducted into the US Martial Arts Hall of Fame just a few years after me.

Both men have personally WON hundreds of violent altercations...

Using the same techniques you’ll see in your new book.

In your FREE 364-page “The Big Bloody Book of Violence”…

You’ll see how to avoid violence whenever you can…

Fight to survive if that’s your only option…

And then manage the aftermath once the incident is over....

Here is just a tiny fraction of what you’ll find inside…
  • Don’t be a home invasion target. Especially if you live alone, are older, or are a law-abiding citizen with even a little wealth.
  • Create a deadly defense system for your property, home, and family – with primary and secondary fallback positions, exit routes, and meeting points.
  • ​How to recognize if crowd violence or a disaster is about to start…
  • Predict the next mass shooting, so you don’t go there. Plus: Avoid being trampled and caught in the crossfire.
  • Recognize the 2 types of predators, each with very distinct behaviors.
  • Learn which criminal is the deadly one, so you can avoid losing your life. And how to best deal with the other one, so you lose as little as possible.
  • ​Know when to cooperate with a criminal. And when to fight back. This is a must-know life and death distinction.
  • ​The life-saving move if you hear, “I’m just going to tie you up so you can’t call the police.”
  • ​What to say when you interact with police after any altercation – even little ones. Saying the wrong thing at the wrong time can cost you more than the violent event itself.
  • ​You’ll also discover what your rights are. And how to defend yourself in the courtroom…
  • Be confident you’ll walk away a free man… while the dirtbag criminal spends the rest of his life behind bars. (Hint: It’s what you do BEFORE something happens that makes all the difference.)
And that’s just the start of what you’ll find…

Inside your final FREE bonus gift…

“The Big Bloody Book of Violence”

Ok, let’s review EVERYTHING you’re getting today…

We’ll mail you a risk-free copy of my new book…

Prison Rules: An Ex-Con’s Guide to Surviving Sudden Violence.

Where you’ll learn all my deadliest fighting secrets and tactics, including:
  • How to take a gun or knife right out of someone’s hands.
  • ​How to take on a group of attackers… and win. 
  • How to fashion impromptu weapons out of almost anything around you – just like prisoners do. 
  • ​An easy way to turn a simple housekey into a nasty weapon. 
  • The 3 “magic phrases” to get you out of almost any altercation.
  • How to avoid attack simply by how you walk and talk. 
  • ​The “killer” mindset that will erase any fear or nervousness.
As well as uncensored insider’s guide to…

The brutal truth about prison most civilians will never know, like…
  • How to survive your first night inside 
  • Why your attractive wife or daughter should never visit you. (Warning: This is unsettling.)
  • The 3 places inside you’re most likely to be attacked – and the best ways to avoid becoming a target.
  • The surefire tip-off that your cellmate means you harm. And how to protect yourself.
  • Who to NEVER befriend on the inside. There are two types of people you should never befriend, no matter how helpful they seem. You’ll regret it if you do.
  • ​And so much more…
When you agree to give my new book a try, risk-free…

I’ll send you your 6 FREE Bonus gifts:

Free gift #1: “The Blackout in Action” video

Free gift #2: “Gun Disarms in Action” video

Free gift #3: “Knife Fights in Action” video

Free gift #4: “Home Weaponry in Action” video

Free gift #5: “Street Fights in Action” video

Free gift #6: “The Big Bloody Book of Violence” digital book
When you say “Yes” today…

Your book will be put in the mail…

Even better…

A link to all 6 videos will be emailed to you…

Within minutes of ordering today.

You could have the Blackout fighting move…
By the end of today.

And, remember…

You take NO risk.

You have a full year – 12 months…

To decide if my “Prison Rules” fighting guide meets your expectations.

If it doesn’t…

For any reasons at all…

I insist you demand a full refund.

We’ll gladly oblige…

But, even if you refund…

“Prison Rules” and your 6 free gifts are ALWAYS yours to keep…

No matter what.

We don’t want you to have to worry about returning anything.

That’s the only way Jason or I want to do business.

The right way.

So, right now…

You have 2 options…

There’s Option 1…

You can do nothing.

You can continue the way things are now…

Hoping you’re never attacked…

Looking away when you pass thugs on the street…

And perhaps avoiding certain places where you don’t feel comfortable.


There’s Option 2.

You can learn the Blackout move…

You can learn how to access the “panic points” on your attacker…

For maximum pain and trauma.

And you can learn all the other fighting and defense moves…

You’ll discover in your new books and free videos…

When you do, you’ll walk taller…

You’ll feel calm and in control no matter who confronts you…

And you’ll relish knowing how to protect your wife and loves ones…

Anywhere you are.

I think I know what you’ll choose.

By reading this far…

I know you’re my kind of American…

One who refuses to stand by while criminals destroy our country.

You’ll take a stand…

You’ll learn the Blackout…

And, if you have no other options…

You’ll use it to defend yourself or those you love.

Ok, it’s time.

Go ahead and click the button now…
Remember, I’ve partnered with former CIA Officer Jason Hanson…

To make sure your own personal copy of…

Prison Rules: An Ex-Con’s Guide to Surviving Sudden Violence.

And your full gift set…

Free gift #1: “The Blackout in Action” video

Free gift #2: “Gun Disarms in Action” video

Free gift #3: “Knife Fights in Action” video

Free gift #4: “Home Weaponry in Action” video

Free gift #5: “Street Fights in Action” video

Free gift #6: “The Big Bloody Book of Violence” book

Are still available.

But please don’t delay…

Our supplies are limited.

And the online “nanny state” hates this kind of raw, real information,

So, this offer could get pulled at any time.

Don’t forget, your satisfaction is always guaranteed.

You have nothing to lose...

Except the worry of facing future violence…

Just hours from now…

That worry will be replaced by bold confidence….

And the admiration of your peers and family…

When they recognize you as the alpha dog…

You’ve always been at heart.

Starting today – it’s your new reality.

Friend, don’t miss out.

Go ahead and click the button below now.

I’ll see you on the other side.
