Former CIA Officer Exposes America’s Orwellian Surveillance State…

How to Stop Big Brother from Watching and Controlling You

Forget 1984... today the government is illegally spying on your every
move right now so they can control you.  

Inside my new book, I show you how to escape their all-seeing eye, stop them from prying into your personal life, and reclaim your freedom
simple, proven strategies.

Claim instant access to your copy of Escape the Surveillance State now… 


From: Jason Hanson
Former CIA Officer, New York Times Bestselling Author

RE: Your Copy of Escape the Surveillance State

It’s a fact: you’re being watched.

Doesn’t matter who you are or where you live.

Doesn’t matter if you’ve never stepped out of line.

Five different government agencies could be spying on you right now.

They’ve designated you a “national security threat” simply for your religious and political beliefs.

And now, they’ve turned the full power of the billion-dollar surveillance state on patriots like you, so they can…

Pry into your life… read your messages… track your movements… watch your spending… listen to your calls… and follow every single step you make, both online and off.

It’s illegal.

It’s disgusting.

It’s unconstitutional.

It’s just another attempt to enslave you.

This illegal surveillance has been going on for years.

As journalist Glenn Greenwald exposed more than a decade ago…   
“The Obama administration says we only destroy the privacy of non-Americans. That is not true. The government is spying on Americans.”
At the time, this bombshell accusation flew under the radar.

Most Americans didn’t believe the government would so flagrantly ignore their rights.

However, in the years that followed, the evidence of government surveillance grew from a trickle to a tsunami.

The true extent of their illegal, unconstitutional, and immoral spying was laid bare for all to see.
But recently, they’ve gotten even more drunk on power.

And the level of intrusion has reached new heights.

They Are No Longer Just Watching Criminals, They Are Watching YOU!

They know where you are, who you’re with, and what you’re doing.

Take the story of Ryan W.…

After criticizing Alexandria Occasio Cortez on Twitter…

The Capitol Police sent officers to his home, claiming he threatened a member of Congress.

The so-called “threat” they were investigating?

He wrote, “Her response was incredibly underwhelming, to say the very least."

That’s it. 


Yet, this was deemed grounds for investigation.  
Ryan’s not the only one…

Katherine S. was arrested after “misgendering” a trans-woman on Twitter.
“I was arrested in my home by three officers, with my autistic ten-year-old daughter and breastfed 20-month-old son present.

I was then detained for seven hours in a cell with no sanitary products (which I said I needed). I was arrested for harassment and malicious communications because I called someone out and misgendered them on Twitter.”
Yup, these days it’s a crime to state a simple biological fact… and that God made us a man or a woman for a reason and God does not make mistakes.

The bottom line is, the security apparatus of our country no longer only monitors our enemies.

Instead, Big Brother watches everyone and everything. 

Just Consider These Terrifying Facts: 

  • If you have any smart devices in your home… whether it’s a thermostat, Alexa, TV, security system, or anything else… your personal data is being sold to the Deep Surveillance State. 
  • The Washington Post exposed the US Government is purchasing millions of phone, water, electricity, and other utility records from third party providers in order to monitor your actions.  
  • The US Air Force’s Research Lab signed a contract with a secretive software company that lets them access and control your phone and the phones of those around you. 
  • In April, 2021 it was exposed that a new top-secret Government program called Internet Covert Operations Program (iCOP) was being used to track your social media posts and report them to the authorities.   
  • In December leaked letters from the Office of the Director of National Intelligence revealed our internet history was being spied on – with no legal or constitutional basis for doing so.  
And this is just the tip of the iceberg.

I could go on and on.

The violations are endless.

And, I don’t know about you…

But I don’t want my every movement tracked.

I believe in my God-given right to privacy.

I’m a law-abiding citizen and I deserve my privacy, especially in my own home.

The same goes for you.

You deserve to be free from watchful eyes.

Today, I want to show you exactly how to do that…

I’m going to show you how to regain your personal sovereignty... escape the watchful eye of the government… and build a ring of security around your family.

As I mentioned, my name is Jason Hanson.

I’m a former CIA Officer and a New York Times bestselling author.

You might have seen me on Shark Tank, the NBC Today Show or Fox News.
The Agency even gave me their “Exceptional Performance” Award for my service.
I’m proud to have served my country.

However, lately I’ve been disgusted at what our government is doing.

What terrifies me most is how our security apparatus is now being used to illegally spy on our own citizens… preemptively.

That’s right, instead of hunting criminals and scumbags, those in power have turned their billion-dollar “eyes” onto regular god-fearing folks like you and me.

They’ve secretly stripped away all your 4th Amendment rights… blatantly intruded into your personal life… and illegally started watching your every movement… even when you’ve done nothing wrong!

That’s Why I Wrote a New Book Revealing How to Escape the Government's Eye

It’s called Escape the Surveillance State and
I want to get you access to this instantly... 

Inside You’ll Discover:

  • 7 obscure tools the Deep Surveillance State could be using on you right now... (you’ll be terrified when you discover what these little-known devices can track) – Page 12
  • How the government caught a top Mexican Drug Lord using these surveillance secrets – despite the locals, the police, and his gang all protecting him. – Page 15
  • ​6 household items that could be secretly recording your every conversation… that I guarantee you have in your home right now – Page 16
  • The #1 place amateurs will plant listening devices – especially if they’re short of time. (I urge you to check this one location immediately) – Page 24
  • Why – even if you think you’re being careful – you’re incredibly easy to track… and what you can do to effortlessly escape people who are watching you – Page 25
  • What an onion can teach you about surveillance ops … and why NOT understanding this simple hack makes your life a wide-open book for anyone to read – Page 26
  • Do this simple 15-second “trick” before you leave any room that could be the target of illegal surveillance. (It will tell you instantly whether you’re being spied on – Page 26. 
  • Want to know if someone has been snooping through your personal belongings? This spy secret will give you indisputable evidence. It takes just a few seconds and no special tools are required – Page 27. 
  • How, after months of failed attempts, the gov’t eventually bugged an international arms dealer – this criminal had the most sophisticated security ever, but the gov’t got him with the secret you’ll discover on page 31. 
  • ​On Page 36 you’ll discover the 6 most common reasons for being spied on… why this type of behavior has surged in recent years… and what you can do to safeguard you and your loved ones. 
  • ​Got a pension? It’s at risk from criminals who’ll bug your home, computer, and phone in order to hack your pension account and steal all your money – Page 37
  • ​The strategies stalkers, kidnappers, rapists, and even murderers use to secretly track their victims so they can formulate a plan of attack. (If you have a daughter or granddaughter, you must read this immediately) – Page 40
  • How to know if a private investigator is following you – Page 41
  • 4 major warning signs you’re being watched – whether it’s by the Deep Surveillance State or criminals, you need to always be on the lookout for these four tell-tale signs – Page 49
  • ​17 little-known places a surveillance device could be hiding in your home – Page 50
  • Strange noise in your home? Check these 3 places right now as they could be harboring spyware that’s watching your every move – Page 51
  • The #1 way to know if a camera is recording your bedroom or bathroom – Page 52
  • The simple checklist to know if you’re under surveillance – I go through this quick and easy process in my home, my office, and any hotel I stay at – Page 62
  • 7 unusual places criminals hide spying devices – and how to spot them even if you’re not a trained investigator, just follow this easy blueprint – Page 68
  • How to turn your cell-phone into a spyware detection tool that can uncover dozens of hidden devices that could be lurking in your home – Page 77
  • WARNING: When you find spyware you must NOT make this common mistake… it will go against everything you want to do, but please don’t! I explain why on Page 78
  • Vehicles are a prime target for bugs – they’re easy to access and have countless hiding places – I’ll show you how to find out if your vehicle is under surveillance on Pages 81 to 88.
  • Criminal’s love spying through your computer – in chapter 5 I’ll show you how to defend against their attacks… protect your personal data… secure your online accounts… and more.
  • ​Own Bitcoin? You must do this urgently to protect your investment from cyber-theft – Page 90
  • 5 major warning signs your computer has been hacked! Most folks shrug these signs off as a momentary computer glitch… you cannot afford to make this mistake. I explain what you must do on pages 91 to 96
  • Press these three computer keys to instantly identify if your computer has dangerous software running on it – Page 97
  • ​3 strategies for safeguarding your computer, your personal data, and your online activity from the Government’s Deep Surveillance State, Private Investigators, hackers, and cyber criminals – Page 100.
  • Is your phone being spied on? I’ll show you how to find out on page 105
  • 6 signs your phone has been hacked – Page 106 to 112
  • How to know if you’re being followed in-person – these simple spy secrets revealed on pages 117 to 125 could save you or a loved one's life.
  • Discover the four most common people who could be following you – and why.
  • What to do if you’re being followed and why you must know how to defend yourself from these creeps before it’s too late – Page 126
Plus, much, much more.
Inside this 167-page book, I reveal EVERYTHING you need to detect when you’re being spied on... restore your privacy… and protect yourself and your loved ones from illegal surveillance. 

Right Now, I Want to Give You Instant Access to Escape the Surveillance State.

As a former CIA officer, I know more than almost anyone about what the government is capable of when it comes to surveillance. This is why I want God-fearing Americans to have this book ASAP.

All you’ve got to do is claim your copy while I'm still able to share this information.

Plus, to help you become as prepared as possible, I’ll also send you two FREE bonus gifts.

FREE Bonus #1

Ghost Ops: How to Make Yourself Practically Invisible and If Necessary, Disappear Without a Trace

As the persecution of patriots continues…
It’s more important than ever that you learn how to become “a ghost.” 
Whenever you step outside vast surveillance networks use facial feature identification to match you with information in their database.
Doesn’t matter if you’ve never stepped out of line.
They want to monitor you – and your loved ones – at all times. 
It’s their way of scaring you into submission and controlling you.
In this free special report, you’ll discover how to become a “ghost”. 
You’ll discover the secrets of disguising yourself so you can escape Big Brother’s eye... blend into practically any environment in the United States or overseas... and keep yourself safe from the elites who want to track your every move.
You’ll learn the subtle – but critically important – differences between a “close disguise” (where you can fool even family members up close) and a “distance disguise” — that you can hastily make to blend into large crowds.
This is the type of advanced knowledge that spies going overseas, deep behind enemy lines, rely on to save their lives.
However, there’s more to becoming a “ghost” than just disguises…  
Given the crazy times we live in, you must also know how to disappear without a trace.
The fact is, the world keeps getting more dangerous and unpredictable by the day. 
And even if we somehow manage to escape the grips of globalist power-seekers… you never know when you’ll suddenly have a crazy ex-spouse you need to get away from or a co-worker or employee who turns into a stalker…
Or maybe, one day, for whatever reason, you’ll just need to disappear and start a brand-new life somewhere else.
After reading this short guide, you’ll have the crucial skills necessary, including…
  • The two most important items you need when planning to disappear. I’ll show you how to get your hands on these items and exactly how to use them.
  • ​The exact 3-step process that must be followed if you want to remain off the grid for good… even out of the reach of the government.
The fact is, by the time I’m done showing you how to disappear, you’ll know how to vanish from the grid so effectively that NOBODY will be able to find you.
But I must warn you first…
Some of these secrets of going “ghost” are way too powerful to play with. In fact, in order to vanish off the grid completely, there are some steps you’ll never be able to reverse.
So, unless you truly need to disappear to save your life or protect your family, I don’t ever recommend taking it this far.
That said, you’ll discover dozens of ways to protect your privacy and learn covert disguise tradecraft you can use in an emergency inside these pages.
Normally, this report is $24.95, but it’s yours free as my gift to you. 

FREE Bonus #2:

Cyber-Security: How to Protect Your Identity & Privacy

Identify theft... blackmail… financial fraud… digital voyeurism…  
Cybercrime takes many different forms and it’s spreading like wildfire. 
In fact, a recent study found that every 39 seconds hackers attack a computer.
Despite this, most people’s “Digital Defenses” are incredibly weak.
They think their anti-virus software will protect them. But the truth is, all your private information is easily accessible to cyber criminals. 
Fortunately, there’s some simple steps you can take to defend yourself.
Inside this special privacy report, you’ll discover: 
  • Two steps to take immediately to protect yourself from identity theft. 
  • ​Why using your phone or computer in public is like giving criminals a key to all your private data if you don’t take this ONE step. Not knowing this is exposing you to danger every time you leave the house.
  • One preemptive action you can take to handicap cyber-criminals! Do this now and even if your identity is stolen, the dirtbags can’t do anything. 
  • The #1 digital “tool” I urge all my clients to use to create an impregnable fortress around their digital data and online privacy. It takes less than 1-minute to set up but will protect you 24/7. 
  • ​Carry this tiny, low-cost device to prevent criminals hacking your credit cards. 
  • ​The quick 10-minute “check” you must do every month to ensure your safety online. You’ll discover what to do step-by-step and why it’s crucially important in today’s digital world. 
  • ​How to stop criminals from watching you through your computer, phone, or tablet. 
  • Plus, much, much more. 
Simply put, you’ll get everything you need to evade cybercrime. 
And you’ll get this $19.95 report for FREE.
All told, these two bonuses together are worth $44.90…

They’re ALL Yours For FREE 

All you’ve got to do is grab your copy of Escape the Surveillance State. 
I’ll give you immediate online access to this book so you can instantly put to work this privacy protecting intelligence operative strategies, escape the watchful eyes of Big Brother, and ensure you’re never spied on.
You must hurry though.

You need this information now.

If you wait, it could be too late.

This is why I'm going to give you instant online access to this book. I don't want you to have to wait several days for shipping, plus the post office would probably lose it anyway.

What's more, all I'm asking for this book is enough to keep this website up and running and for my tech guys to maintain it and fight off those who want to shut it down.

The normal price of this book is $37 and the bonuses are worth $44.90 for a total of $81.90.

But, you won't pay anywhere close to that.

Like I said, I've put the price so low so that anyone can afford it and you can have this critical information now.

Just click on the green button below for your special price.

You’re Fully Protected By My 100% Money Back Guarantee

Your decision today is backed by my 100% money back guarantee.

If you don’t believe the secrets I reveal will help you escape the watchful eye of Big Brother and give you back your privacy… I’ll refund every cent you paid. 

Plus, I’ll even let you keep the book and bonus gifts for life.

In other words, you risk absolutely nothing by accepting this limited-time-only offer.

All the risk is on my shoulders. And that’s fine, that’s the way I like it.

So, go ahead and grab your copy now.

Take back your 4th Amendment rights.

Protect your privacy.

Ensure your anonymity.

Escape the Government “Eye.”

Grab instant access to your copy of Escape the Surveillance State now.
Jason Hanson
Former CIA Officer
As Seen on Shark Tank
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