A Former Somali Pirate Hunter’s Secret Killing Move to Stop American Street Thugs

“Fear no criminal ever? My Shock Strike is how.”
– Matei F., Pirate Hunter & The Romanian Rambo

Warning: This Is an Uncensored Message with Graphic Imagery
Discretion is Advised

My name is Jason Hanson.

I’m a former CIA Officer.

You’re about to see the world’s most secretive …

And most feared…

Self-defense technique:

The “Romanian Rambo’s” Shock Strike.

With this controversial move…

You can defend yourself against any criminal who tries to attack you.

Knowing this move is essential for times when carrying a weapon is impractical or impossible.

It has never been shared with civilians before.
Please use your discretion if you choose to continue.
In the early 2000s…

Pirates terrorized the shipping lanes in the Somali Sea and Gulf of Aden.
Attacking from speedboats, armed with AK-47s…

These ruthless killers brought international shipping to a standstill.

Sailors taken hostage by Somali pirates faced terrible conditions.

When the maritime code “Black Raven” crackled over the intercom…

Sailors froze in fear…

It meant pirates had been spotted.

Losing millions in revenue, shipping companies tried to protect their vessels.

But they found few mercenaries willing to go up against the pirates…

…who had nothing to lose and showed little mercy.

Even ex-soldiers and private military declined these high-risk contracts.

Until they called in Matei F.
Known as the Romanian Rambo…

To the pirates, Matei’s name soon became a warning…

And then a curse.

Thanks to a high comfort level with violence…

And his own infamous “Shock Strike” killing move…

This Romanian security pro became the most feared pirate hunter on the Somali coast.

In fact, in the years he patrolled the dangerous shipping lanes…

Matei never lost a vessel to pirate attack.

Not one.

Now that the pirate threat has faded, Matei is thinking bigger.

Much bigger.

He recently brought his self-defense techniques to the United States.

Violent crime is a plague on our great nation.

Many of our city neighborhoods are more like war zones…

While even small towns and rural areas have seen murders spike by 25%.

And how do politicians and judges react?

They push for more weapons restrictions.

But criminals don’t follow any laws.

After all, they’re CRIMINALS.

Laws restricting civilian weaponry only puts us all in more danger.

Fortunately, there’s something YOU can do.

No matter what laws the  politicians manage to push through…

There is an option so you will NEVER be unarmed.

The “Shock Strike” move.

That’s why Matei gave me permission to show his “Shock Strike” to every good American today.

He perfected it taking down Somali pirates, and many other types of dangerous criminals.

And legions of the worst scum who’ve ever disgraced God’s earth…

Seeing the Shock Strike in action puts you in a powerful position.

It will change your entire outlook on confronting criminals.

Statistics show violent crime increasing in America…

After this presentation, you’ll walk your streets with confidence…

Just like Matei does.

Let me introduce you to him now…

And then show you how his move instantly incapacitates any opponent…

…by taking advantage of certain “biological shock responses” every human has.

It won’t be pretty.

Some sensitive types won’t be comfortable with what you’ll see here…

But I have a feeling you’re a lot tougher than that.

Like me, you’re sick of the lawlessness infecting America today…

And you’re ready to do something about it.

Let’s get started…

Again, my name is Jason Hanson.

For nearly a decade, I served our country in the CIA.

Here’s one of the awards the Agency gave to me…
Now I provide private security services to high-profile targets.

I wrote the New York Times bestseller, “Spy Secrets That Can Save Your Life.”

And you might have seen me on Shark Tank, Fox News, or The Today Show.

(Here’s a quick clip of those appearances.)
Here’s why I brought you this message today.

I love our country.

But I hardly recognize it these days.

Under weak judges and even weaker politicians…

…criminals have been emboldened.

And they’re everywhere.

It’s an absolute outrage.

These days, I try not to enter any American city without my weapon.

But there are places it’s illegal to carry.

Or, in some situations, it’s simply impractical.

And if you travel internationally, you can’t take a weapon.

Fact is, even if you ARE carrying, you’re still at grave risk…

Let me explain.

You see, there are…

2 Deadly Myths of Criminal Attacks

Myth 1 is: “If I’m attacked, I’ll just take him down with my concealed carry weapon.”

This is a common response from people who carry concealed.

And it’s a great idea in theory…

But it shows a lack of experience with real-life attacks.

The reality is more complex.

Most real-life attacks are ambushes.

They happen quickly, without warning.

And they happen at close range.

Matei has analyzed more than 150 real-life attacks…

And 70% of attacks began less than 3 feet from the victim.

At that distance, it’s not likely you’ll be able to pull a weapon.

Plus, if you haven’t practiced deploying your weapon quickly under a close-range attack…

…you will likely never have the chance.

That’s why knowing the “Shock Strike” is so important.

It works even if your attacker is grappling with you…

And it works so quickly he’ll never stand a chance.

Giving you the chance to get away…

Or end him.

Whatever is necessary.

Which brings me to the second myth of violent assault.

Myth 2 is “If I’m attacked, I’ll run away.”

Look, that’s a smart strategy.

Matei himself – the guy who earned the name the Romanian Rambo…

…always recommends trying to escape from violence.


What if your attacker is faster?

What if you’re with your kids, grandkids or wife?

What if you’re in an enclosed space like an elevator or bathroom?

You won’t always have the option to escape.

So, you need a plan B.

Of course, the main reason Myth 2 won’t work is the same as Myth 1…

Most attacks are ambushes.

They happen so quickly and at such close range there’s no time to run.

You simply won’t have time to do anything…

Except REACT.

That’s what the Shock Strike is designed to do.

The Shock Strike Stops a Criminal
Dead in His Tracks


He won’t be able to continue the attack.

Giving you time to escape…

Or to put an end to your attacker.

When I learned the “Shock Strike”, I knew every American who values their safety must have it.

The truth is, I take protecting myself and my family very seriously.

And I want every weapon at my disposal.

My contacts in the intelligence, military, and private security communities…

…will often talk about the latest self-defense and hand-to-hand combat techniques.

During these conversations, a name kept coming up…

Matei F.

And his controversial secret weapon:

The “Shock Strike” move.

A few of my contacts even referred to him as the Romanian Rambo.

Here’s how he got that nickname…

Most people avoid confrontation.

Most people shy away from violence.

Matei isn’t like most people.
As a teenager, he’d travel from Romania to Germany to fight in professional boxing matches.

The thing is…

Matei wasn’t a boxer.

He was just a tough kid.

He’d soak up nasty beatings from the trained boxers.

Because Romania is a rough place to grow up.

It’s often called the “culture of the knife” because violence is so common.

The town where Matei grew up was full of criminals and street thugs.

So, he took his boxing money…

And used it to pay for martial arts and weapons training.

It’s a good thing he did.

One afternoon, Matei and his girlfriend were walking down an alley in his town.

Suddenly, three gang members entered the alley.

One threw his shoulder into Matei.

And then went into his pocket for a knife.

But Matei’s training paid off…

He Pulled a Blade of His Own…

In an instant he had it in strike position…

Silently, Matei stared down the gangbanger.

The thug made the wise decision to just keep on walking.

But when Matei tells the story now, he says he was dumb.

Just a kid… all balls and ego.

He says he would likely have been killed if all 3 had decided to attack.

After that incident, Matei realized he didn’t want to be a good fighter.

He wanted to be the best.

And to put his skills to the test against the worst scum he could find…

To start, he joined the local police department.

After a year on the job, he’d made deputy sheriff.

It could have been a fine career…

But arresting petty crooks and junkies wasn’t his calling.

Matei wanted to take it up a notch… or ten.

So, he joined the tactical assault team (Romania’s version of a SWAT team).

His team entered the most dangerous situations FIRST, before the police
He took down the mafia, drug kingpins, human traffickers, and white slavers.

Among many others.

But, as I said, Matei isn’t like most of us.

He wanted to raise the stakes even higher.

He found himself drawn to high-risk locations and combat zones.
Matei got offered a job in the Gulf of Aden off the coast of Somalia…

Leading security for merchant ships targeted by lawless Somali pirates.

Yes, the same pirates from the movie “Captain Phillips”…

But real life is a lot uglier than the movies.

Most people would have stayed as far away from these deadly waters as possible.

Not our guy.

At sea, miles from shore and safety…

The Somali pirates would race over the waves on tiny speedboats…

…surrounding the lumbering merchant ship like sharks attacking a wounded whale…

They attacked the ship viciously…

…shattering windows and puncturing the metal hulls…

The crew would cower in the bridge as the pirates tried to board the vessel…

While Matei and his small team – often far outnumbered – would engage them…

These pirates may have been brutal killers…

But they soon learned what a mistake they’d made.

Matei loved his work…

And he was very good at it.

As Time Went on, His
Self-Defense Skills Grew.

But by taking down the scum of the earth…

Matei had made himself a very big target.

His work and training took him to Ukraine, Bulgaria, Israel, and other sketchy locales…

…where international laws meant he was seldom able to be armed.

But he realized:

He could almost always wear a knife…

And when he couldn’t, he could carry a screwdriver.

That’s when he invented his own self-defense move.

He calls it the “Shock Strike.”

It uses a sharp object to target any of the body’s 3 surprising “shock zones”

These zones are easy to hit – once you know where they are…

And hitting any of the 3 zones has one very specific effect:

It renders your opponent UNABLE to continue.


You see, because of a quirk in human anatomy…

…3 places on the body are a biological “off switch”.

The Shock Strike targets these zones with a blade (or pen or screwdriver)...

To immediately disable ANY attacker.

That means a sharp object can be incredibly devastating.

Matei’s Shock Strike is famous – and a little controversial – in security circles.

Because it’s simple, yet incredibly effective. 
Right now, I’m going to show you Matei’s Shock Strike move.

Surprisingly, it’s so easy.

That’s what makes it so effective.

You don’t need to be especially strong or athletic.

You could be 14 or 74.
A 105-pound woman can do it just as easily as a man.

You simply hold a blade (or, any pointed object such as a pen)…

…in a specific way.

(Hint: The grip you’ll use is a favorite of inmates in the worst prisons on earth.)

And, then…

You target the blade into one of the human body’s 3 shock zones to defend yourself.

Your attackers will IMMEDIATELY recoil in massive distress and pain…

And suddenly, you’re in complete control.

You Can Escape!

Want to see what I mean?

Imagine walking through your city…

You get a little turned around…

And find yourself in a neighborhood you don’t know.

It’s getting dark.

Out of the shadows steps a dark figure.

His clothes are disheveled.

His eyes are wild.

He’s drunk, on drugs, or crazy.

It could well be all 3.

Suddenly, he’s coming at you.

You catch a glint from a blade.

You realize your life is in danger.

You search your pockets…

All you have on you is a pen.

He lunges at you just as you get the pen into your hand.

Using the move you’ll get today…

You slam the pen right into shock zone 1.


He’s down… screaming in pure agony.

Game over.

You keep on walking.

The harsh reality is…

You’re not going to know about most attacks until they’re happening.

The punk who demands your wallet probably just wants your wallet.
But an actual attack – a robbery, assault, or someone trying to kill you…

Won’t be broadcast in advance.

It will happen out of nowhere…

And it won’t follow any rules.

To illustrate this point, Matei reviewed 50 CCTV clips of prison knife attacks.
In these videos, a pattern emerged.

The attacks were almost always a surprise.

There was no initial confrontation.

They came out of nowhere.

The assault usually started with a frenzy of thrusts.

This frenzy continued until the victim collapsed or appeared incapacitated.

And that’s the problem.

Few things can prepare you for that kind of attack.

No normal self-defense class can address this level of ferocity.

That’s when you need the Shock Strike.

When an attack happens to you…

When you have no other choice…

When Being Armed Isn’t An Option
(And Even When It Is)

You’ll thank your lucky stars that you know Matei’s Shock Strike move…

…that INSTANTLY ends any attack.

Let me ask you this…

If you’re under attack…

And all you have is a knife…

Where should you aim for on your attacker?

Some “experts” say you should try to target the liver.

Or just go for a kidney shot.

They’re all WRONG.

For one thing, hitting any of these targets is close to impossible when your opponent is moving.

But, more importantly…

None of them immediately incapacitate your attacker…

Because they aren’t shock zones.

Instead, you’ll likely end up killed yourself.

Ok, what about targeting in the heart?

Well, despite what you’ll see in movies, it’s very difficult to do.

The heart is well protected behind the rib cage.

And you need a blade to penetrate at least 4 inches.

But even if you hit the heart, you might still be in trouble.

Matei himself has learned a blade strike to the heart is not a sure bet for killing.

An emergency surgery doctor told him that of people with a wound to the heart…

…only 10% actually died.

The problem is…

Even with a puncture to the heart…

Even with a gushing artery…
A criminal could continue to attack you for a minute, a couple minutes, or even longer.

Especially if they’re deranged or on drugs.

By that time, you could be dead too.

Have you heard the old saying about a knife fight?

It goes like this:
No one wins a knife fight.

The loser dies on the spot.

The winner dies in the hospital.

The point is:

You don’t want to trade blows with your opponent.

No, you want to end the attack INSTANTLY.

That’s what Matei created.

That’s the Shock Strike move.

Using his knowledge of human anatomy…

Matei learned there are 3 shock zones on the human body that…

INSTANTLY cause a person to stop fighting.

Because, in addition to grave PHYSICAL injury…

The Shock Zones Cause

Simply put, when these shock zones are jabbed…

…your opponent will have to STOP

…and he’ll grab the place he’s been hit.

He’ll do this immediately.

He won’t have a choice.

This emotional response is hardwired into all of us.

No matter how tough, or angry, or drugged up your opponent…

He will be unable to continue his assault.

Knowing these shock zones – and exactly how to strike them…

…means you become the ALPHA in every situation.

You’ll never fear confrontation, because you’ll be in command.

You’ll live invincibly.

This is the incredible power of Matei’s Shock Strike move.

And he wants to give it to you today… FREE.

I’m 100% serious.

You see, when my contacts told me about the “Romanian Rambo”…

I knew Matei was someone I needed to know.

So, I arranged to meet up…

He’s nothing like I expected.

He looks intimidating…

But the “Romanian Rambo” is soft-spoken and friendly.

He doesn’t brag about his exploits…

Matei does, however, carry a certain confidence…

It’s the same alpha attitude I’ve seen in Navy SEALs and top streetfighters…

It’s the same confidence you’ll have too.

When YOU know all 3 shock zones…
And have Matei’s devastating move for yourself.

In our first meeting, Matei and I talked about his passion for defending the good guys against the predators out there.

Even though he’s not American, he still loves this country and was outraged by how dangerous American streets have become.

And he pledged to do something about it.
Matei told me he wanted to share the Shock Strike move with every patriotic American.

Immediately, I knew I had to help.

Matei agreed to show his killing move…

All 3 strikes zones…

And exactly how each zone instantly incapacitates your attacker…

The right way to grip your weapon…

How to strike with maximum strength and speed – no matter your age or size…

With full details and graphic images showing the move in step-by-step detail…

In a new manual he calls:

Blade Warrior:
Underground Knife Combat Secrets

In Blade Warrior, Matei poured all his blade combat knowledge…

He reveals every tactic that made him the bane of criminals everywhere.

It’s written especially for Americans who want to be confident, and in command…

…especially when you can’t carry.

And it includes every detail for mastering Matei’s own Shock Strike move…

…which turns a pen, screwdriver or knife into an effective weapon…

…capable of taking down any attacker instantly.

Here’s the best news of all.

Matei insisted we give every good American a FREE hard copy of Blade Warrior today.

All you have to do is RSVP now to claim your own personal copy of Blade Warrior.

With Blade Warrior, you’ll dominate any city’s lawless streets…

…without fear and brimming with newfound confidence.

Because only Blade Warrior has Matei’s Shock Strike move.

Simply knowing this move will change how you carry yourself…

Signaling to others you aren’t someone to mess with.

And sending a clear message to criminals to look for easier prey.

Plus, anyone can do the Shock Strike…

So, you can teach this ultimate defense move to your daughters and wife too.

In your own private copy of Blade Warrior…

…you’ll get every detail you need on Matei’s Shock Strike move…
Which uses any sharp household item – like a screwdriver, pen, even a car key

…to safely, effectively, and quickly defend yourself from a violent criminal. 

With Blade Warrior, you’ll possess one of the world’s most secretive weapons.
But that’s not all...

You see, Matei didn’t stop at the Shock Strike move.

He took all the knowledge he gained…

And Matei poured all his hand-to-hand combat secrets into Blade Warrior.

Blade Warrior Gives You a
Modern Fighting System…

That is centered around the one move that ends an attack instantly:

The Shock Strike.

You’ll learn exactly how to use this move to dominate any confrontation…

…by targeting the 3 biological “off switches” found on every human body.

These “shock zones” create an automatic PHYSICAL and EMOTIONAL reaction so devastating…

…the criminal will be PARALYZED.

Instantly, the attack will be over.

You will be invincible.

But, in your own copy of Blade Warrior you’ll also learn…

How to identify a criminal before he sees you…

How to avoid an ambush situation…

How to defend against an opponent using a blade against you.

Plus, you’ll find out how to…
  • Select the right kind of blade for maximum carnage
  • ​Conceal your weapon for instant access
  • ​Strike with deadly force and precision
  • ​Finish an opponent when escape isn’t possible (Warning: Explicit)
  • ​Understand the criminal mindset
  • ​Use SWAT-level tactics to identify an ambush situation before it happens
  • ​Train your brain to replace fear with total aggression
And so much more…

You’ll get all of this in YOUR personal copy of Blade Warrior: Underground Knife Combat Secrets, by Matei Florin.

As a red-blooded American…

You’ll find the information inside is pure patriot gold

And it’s yours free today.

You can request your own personal, private copy right here on this page.

Then, a few days from now, your copy of Blade Warrior will arrive in the mail.

When it does, open it immediately.

You’ll have all of Matei’s deadliest tactics, techniques, and strategies honed on the world’s roughest streets.

He’ll teach you orthodox and unorthodox methods of training.

You’ll learn ways of ambushing an opponent…

And counter-ambush strategies for when you are at risk.

You’ll also learn the philosophy behind his fighting system.

How to lock in your own combat mindset.

And, of course, his full Shock Strike move that instantly incapacitates your attacker.

Let me give you a little more information about what you’re getting today…

Choosing Your Weapon

The first step in perfecting the Shock Strike killing move is selecting the weapon you’ll always carry.

Now, in an emergency, any tool with a sharp point will do the trick…

…including a metal pen, tactical pen, screwdriver, ice pick, or scissors.

Heck, you could use a pencil, key, or a fork if that’s all you have at hand.

But a knife will be the most effective.

A knife blade does extra damage during the strike.

And if you need to “finish” your opponent after the Shock Strike…

The blade can open an artery.

But what kind of knife should you carry?

There are 6 types of knives people typically use for combat.

But which is the best?

To start, for ease of use and reliability…

You want a fixed blade.

(A folding knife isn’t as secure, unless you use the grip Matei shows you on page 44.)

But which fixed blade knife is best?

Don’t get taken in by fads…

The Karambit is a very popular blade these days.
Karambits have a curved blade like a claw, an ergonomic handle, and typically at least one safety ring.

It’s a design that has tons of Old World charm.

But there’s an important reason you should NEVER use one for self-defense.

And Matei explains exactly why in this book.

What about a box cutter?

The box cutter is infamous from the 9/11 hijackings, but they’re a poor choice for defense.

They’re too flimsy, slow to deploy, and they don’t penetrate well.

But, if they’re the only knife available, you’ll learn to inflict maximum damage with one.

How about a push dagger?

The push dagger is a popular design these days.

And it’s generally a solid choice for combat.

Matei will show you one of the best possible combat knives.

Then, Matei shares a life-saving travel tip...

When he’s in a foreign country, he stops at a grocery store and buys one specific item…

And it’s a surprisingly effective killer when used in a particular way.

When you can’t travel with a weapon…

This little tool could be exactly what you need in unfamiliar territory.

Any local thug who thinks you’re an easy target will be in for a very bad time.

At this point, you’re probably getting the message that Matei’s new book isn’t exactly politically correct.

It’s also not for the faint of heart.

It’s for people who want to protect themselves and their family members and dominate in any situation…

Against any attacker…

Even when they’re not carrying.

The way things are right now in America…

If you ask me, this book is coming out at exactly the right time…

Hidden, But Always Ready…

Ok, you have chosen your weapon…

But how should you carry it?

For starters, you may not always want to carry a knife in your pocket.

Or clipped to your belt…

Not in a harness under your jacket…

Not clipped into your boot (though that’s not bad for a backup weapon)

Matei explains the weaknesses of each of these carry styles…

Now, self-defense experts often argue about the best way to carry a knife…

But Matei has determined what he believes is the absolute best way…

It’s not based on practicing in a gym or combat arena.

No, this is based on his time in the field, in real combat situations.

Deploying your weapon under stress, at speed, is a whole different ballgame.
The best way to carry means your weapon is completely concealed…

You can get to it and deploy it extremely quickly.

You can deploy your weapon with either hand.

(This is vital if one of your hands is injured or restrained)
You can extract your blade in both the ice pick grip and hammer grip.

Matei’s best way to carry checks all these boxes…

He shows you exactly how to fully conceal…

And then, quick as a rattlesnake, deploy your weapon.

Grip It Like an Inmate

Ok, you’re ready to conceal and deploy your knife…

But how should you hold it?

That’s a little controversial.

There’s a big myth when it comes to knife grips…

You’ll hear people say…

“Only people that don’t know to use a knife attack with the icepick grip.”

But Matei has studied videos of violent inmates committing knife attacks.

In those attacks, the ice pick grip is extremely common.

That’s because, in real life situations, this grip has a lot going for it.

It’s a powerful, natural motion of your arm.

You can do it many times very quickly.

For Matei, it’s his favorite grip because it gives him both precision and explosive power.

Matei says the ice pick grip is the quickest, most effective way to cause massive damage to a victim.

This grip works with any sharp weapon…

Like a tactical pen, metal pen or screwdriver.

And those are only few examples.

Matei shows you the different knife grips…

And shows you why, out of all of them…

You should use the ice pick grip.

But, should you put your thumb on top of the handle or not?

This is very important…

And there’s only one right way to do it.

Then you’ll find something extra...

Matei reveals a special tactical grip he uses only under certain circumstances.

He calls it the “precision grip.”

It’s a modified hammer grip.

And it has a very special purpose.

It offers superior precision when you need to strike soft, small targets…

Like your attacker’s eyes or throat.

He shows you how to use this deadly grip.

The Shock Strike in Action

Once you’ve seen how to deploy and hold your weapon…

Matei pulls out all the stops.

He shows you the complete Shock Strike move in all its devastating glory.

You’ll find out exactly how to target and access the body’s strike zones…

The biological “off switches” that send your attacker reeling…

Even if he’s a trained fighter or cranked up on drugs…

The best thing about the Shock Strike is you can do it even in a confined space…

Or if you’re grappling with your opponent.

You just need one hand free to pull your weapon…

And BAM!

You slam it into a shock zone.

Lights out.

Your opponent will be forced to react to your strike…

And it will send him reeling in agony.

He’ll stop attacking.

And you can safely get away.

You’ll see the whole thing in action…

Matei’s own killing move: The Shock Strike

You’ll learn exactly how to do it yourself…

How to practice it to become lethal…

And exactly why it’s an incredible self-defense move.

But I have to warn you…

After you’ve read this section of Blade Warrior…

You might feel like you’re a whole new person…

You’ll step outside your home with a new attitude…
You know how James Bond never seems flustered…

Because he’s always in control?

That’s exactly what knowing the Shock Strike is like.

Won’t it feel amazing to know that, just days from now…

You won’t always need  to be carrying to feel protected?

To feel lethal?
The irony is, you might never need the Shock Strike.

Because knowing you’re the alpha means people are LESS likely to test you…

They’ll sense you’re not someone to mess with.

But if they do make the mistake, they’ll regret it.


That’s the Shock Strike.

[WARNING: Controversial Content]

After you use the Shock Strike to down your opponent…

…you’ll have enough time to flee the situation.

But that’s not always possible.

You could be trapped…

And if it’s you or him, you’ll have no choice.

That’s why…

You need to know how to kill.

You'll see some of the most explicit and severe actions in Blade Warrior.

I told you how every human has 3 “shock zones”…

…that cause such emotional and physical damage they can’t go on fighting.

Well, every person has several “killing zones” as well.

These are a few places on the body…

…where a major artery runs shallow under the skin.

In these specific zones, the artery is unprotected and easy to access.

They’re not always where you’d think.

For legal and ethical reasons, I can’t tell you more about this section right now.

But your copy of Blade Warrior doesn’t hold anything back.

That’s just the start of what this uncensored section has to offer…

Like, what about targeting the brain?

After all, the skull can’t stop a strong knife, brought down with power.

The surprise is…

A knife penetration to the brain isn’t always lethal.

Unless, that is…

You do it in one specific place.

Then it’s lights out – for good.

Then, if you’re on the ground and your attacker is still standing…

You’ll see how to access a big artery in a surprising place…
Damaging it causes massive blood loss.

But it’s still not all.

In your copy of Blade Warrior: Underground Knife Combat Secrets…

You’ll learn all the easy-to-access “killing zones”
And you’ll learn how to eviscerate an opponent if necessary.

Plus, you’ll find the rest of Matei’s effective killing methods.

Again, this information is extremely dangerous.

It’s intended for self-defense only.

And must be used only when you or your loved ones are in grave danger.

But, when it’s your life or his…

You’ll be glad you know what to do.

When to Think Like a Criminal

Then, one of the most powerful sections of Blade Warrior…

…is when Matei shares his attacks by street thugs and even trained killers.

This is especially important for when you are in a city or traveling to a new environment.

Wherever you go, there will be predators waiting for prey.

You’ll also get a look at violence from the criminal’s perspective.

Thanks to Matei’s own experiences…

You’ll understand what it will be like when a criminal-minded individual wants to inflict harm…

Or even kill you.

Here is a taste of what Matei has learned…

First of all, the criminal will never show you his weapon.

He will close the distance between you…

…using the fact you are not familiar with your environment.

He may even approach you in a friendly or non-threatening manner.

He will have already his blade or weapon in his hand…

…but he’ll cover it up.

He will wait for the best moment to strike…

Likely when you are cornered or in a confined space so you can’t escape.

Then, he will grab you and deliver a fast, brutal attack.

Blade Warrior helps you identify potential threats.

Here’s what you’ll learn…

The safest place to stand in a public place or unfamiliar environment…

How to make sure no one gets behind you…

How to scan a crowd…

And immediately discount the people who clearly pose no danger…

Then, how to know who is a threat.

It’s not just clothing or appearance.

Lots of people dress like thugs these days – it’s “fashion”…

Instead, you’ll find out how to assess a person’s…

Eyes – Are they looking at you? Looking at others? Hidden behind a hoodie or sunglasses?

Hands – What are they doing? If he’s holding a bag or other things he’s less of a threat.

Pockets –Do his pockets look bulky or uneven? He could be carrying.
Waist – Do you see a knife or another weapon?

And that’s just the start.

In this section of Blade Warrior: Underground Knife Combat Secrets…

You’ll get operative level skills for identifying threats…

And how to avoid an attack.
But sometimes you can’t avoid trouble…

And if it happens, Matei lets you know what to expect.

For starters, the attacker will grab you first with his non-weapon hand.

More than 70 % of knife attacks begin with the use of the attacker’s free hand.

That makes the victim focus on that hand – and not the weapon in the other hand.

It also allows the attacker to keep you close…

And it makes it harder to escape.

That’s just the start of what you’ll learn.

You'll learn what to expect when attacked.

And, most importantly, what to do first.

(Here’s a hint: Your attacker won’t like it.)

A Head for Violence

If you haven’t had direct contact with real violence, it is very hard to know how you will react in the moment.

Everyone has one of three reactions…



Or freeze.

It doesn’t matter if you’ve trained, sparred, or spent hours at the range.

Real violence is different.

In those situations, your mind is just as important as the weapon in your hand.

Matei shows you a “brain training” technique you can do from home.

It’s so powerful your brain can’t distinguish the difference between training and being in an actual violent situation.

It will help stop fear clouding your brain and slowing your actions in an emergency.

And let you gain a cold, calm mindset – even during violence.

This is all still just the start of what you’ll find in your own personal copy of Blade Warrior.

You’ll also get…

The “Dirty Concealed Carry” technique Matei uses only in the most high-risk situations.

It allows incredibly fast deployment of a knife – and it works for other weapons too.

How to throw a knife using the “no spin” technique – and when to use it.

How a short piece of Kevlar rope can turn a folding knife into an automatically deploying weapon.

How to make a baseball cap into a surprisingly effective weapon.

Never wear these 5 items of clothing. They could end up killing you if you’re ambushed.

These training moves will vastly increase your strike speed and power – at any age or physical condition.

The “tennis ball” training trick to be as precise as a cobra strike.

And so much more.

Blade Warrior is a comprehensive training manual teaching you advanced attack and defense blade skills you won’t find anywhere else.

If you want to be prepared, protected, and deadly in every situation…

Claim your own copy of Blade Warrior right now.

I’ve agreed to pay for the printing and publishing of 2,500 copies of Matei’s new book…

As a service to good Americans who are ready to stand up to the criminals on our streets.
While I still have some left, I want to send you your own free copy today…

…so that you’ll know Matei’s Shock Strike method to quickly end any attack…

…and walk your streets with complete confidence.

But the post office won’t give me free postage, so here’s all I ask:

You cover the $9.95 shipping and handling, and I’ll send you your copy for free.

Does that sound fair?

How About I Do You One Better?

Because, if you act right now, I’m going to give you a FREE bonus gift…

You see, Matei wrote a second guide – a companion to Blade Warrior…

…called “Anatomy of Blade Kills”.

I admit, I almost didn’t include it…

Because it’s absolutely brutal.

Anatomy of Blade Kills goes far beyond the Shock Strike and the killing zones…

…to SHOW you in explicit, uncensored detail…

…all the ways a human can be maimed or killed by a blade.

Now, much of this information is in Blade Warrior…

But there’s a BIG difference.

Anatomy of Blade Kills is a VISUAL instruction manual.

In clear photographs and drawings…

Anatomy of Blade Kills SHOWS you the human anatomy…

SHOWS you the grips…

SHOWS you the strikes…

And SHOWS you the uncensored results.
Look, I don’t need to tell you this isn’t kids’ stuff.

Matei takes his craft extremely seriously.

And he wrote Anatomy of Blade Kills for when escape isn’t possible…

When you or your family are in grave danger, and…

When Lethal Force is Your Only Option

If you’re ever in that situation, you’ll be so thankful for this guide…

But, I want to warn you one last time:

He doesn’t hold back.

The blade strikes you’ll see…

And the devastating damage they cause to skin, arteries, eyes, and organs…

Are all shown in graphic detail, including real-life photos from the field.

You won’t want to read Anatomy of Blade Kills in public…

And don’t leave it lying around where anyone can see it.

But, if you RSVP for your Blade Warrior book today…

I’ll send you Matei Florin’s Anatomy of Blade Kills visual instruction manual…

As a FREE bonus.

You’ll still pay only $9.95 for shipping and handling…

And you’ll get BOTH self-defense guides at no charge.
The 55-page Blade Warrior: Underground Knife Combat Secrets…

…including the Romanian Rambo’s Shock Strike move that stops any attacker cold…

And the uncensored, 55-page Anatomy of Blade Kills…

…a visual guide for when lethal force is your only option.
Both guides are yours FREE when you RSVP today…

All I ask is you pay $9.95 shipping and handling because the Post Office won’t give me free postage.

But in case you’re still not sure, let me put your mind at rest.

Get EVERYTHING I told you about today…

And You Take No Risk At All.

If you’re not happy with Blade Warrior: Underground Knife Combat Secrets...

And your Anatomy of Blade Kills bonus gift…

If you don’t feel they give you everything I promised you today…

If you don’t feel more confident, more self-assured…

If you, frankly, aren’t shocked by the value Matei has shared…

I’ll promptly refund your $9.95…

And you keep BOTH books.


Let me repeat that.

If, for any reason at all, you’re not happy with Matei’s new book, Blade Warrior: Underground Knife Fighting Secrets…

Or his uncensored visual guide, Anatomy of Blade Kills…

I’ll refund the $9.95 shipping and handling charge you paid…

And you always keep your books.

No fine print.

No tricks.

No extra charges down the road.

Nothing like that.

Both your books are free.

I’m printing them with my own money.

Just cover the $9.95 for shipping and handling and they’re yours.

Plus, your satisfaction is always 100% guaranteed.

You take ZERO risk.

I hope you’ll agree that’s more than fair.

Of course, when you see what Matei has for you, I don’t think you’ll ask for a refund…

You’re about to own blade combat tactics he’s sharing for the first time, including:

Matei’s own controversial Shock Strike move…

…which turns a pen, screwdriver or knife into an “off switch” that downs any opponent…


The best weapon to carry for self-defense, based on real life street attacks…

How to conceal and then deploy your weapon in an instant…

How to identify an ambush before it happens…

How to access the body’s “killing zones” – when escape isn’t an option…

What to expect during an attack, and what to do first…

How to train your brain to replace fear with pure aggression…

And so much more…

Thanks to Blade Warrior: Underground Knife Fighting Secrets

And your BONUS guide Anatomy of Blade Kills

…you’ll walk your town or city streets with a newfound confidence.

Go ahead and press the button below now to claim your own free copies.

I insist you take no risk at all.

If you’re unhappy in any way…

I’ll refund the shipping and handling and I won’t even ask you to send back your books.

The way I see it, you have two choices.

You can continue the way things are…

Feeling disgusted about rising crime…

Frustrated by weak politicians and judges…

And not sure you could defend your loved ones against a violent criminal…


You can make a change today.

Claim your FREE 187-page copy of Blade Warrior: Underground Knife Fighting Secrets, by Matei Florin…

And your 55-page bonus visual guide, Anatomy of Blade Kills.

With both your manuals in hand, you’ll have the Shock Strike…
A deadly move designed to instantly stop an opponent’s ability to fight…

…no matter who he is…

…no matter your own age or strength.

With the Shock Strike in your arsenal, you’ll always be the alpha.

That’s a powerful new start to your life.
But there’s only one way to make it happen.

I hope you make the right decision.

Just press the button below now to tell me where to mail both your free books.

You have nothing to lose.

And a whole new outlook to gain.

Press the button now and it will take you to my secure order form…

…where you can request your own risk-free copies of:

Blade Warrior: Underground Knife Fighting Secrets.


Your uncensored bonus: Anatomy of Blade Kills.

These are controversial knife-fighting secrets shared for the first time by Matei Florin…

…who hunted down Somali pirates…

…who took on mafia bosses and human slavers…

…and was named “the Romanian Rambo” by those who’ve seen him in action.

In just a few days from now, all you learned today will be yours.

While I still have some free copies available, press the button now.

If you don’t RSVP now, I’m afraid you may not see this offer again.

So, if you want the Shock Strike killing move, please act now.

For Matei and his books, Blade Warrior: Underground Knife Fighting Secrets and Anatomy of Blade Kills…

I’m former CIA Officer Jason Hanson.

Thank you for spending this time with me today.

Click below now to request your risk-free copy of Blade Warrior: Underground Knife Combat Tactic (and your bonus Anatomy of Blade Kills).
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